OK, let us start from scratch. I keep saying one thing, you keep saying another. I try to reference and analogise that the new government, the new era that is on us, is a reason for hope for our nation. I see it that way, a lot of people see it that way, whether they supported Obama or not in the election. And yes, I know most of you at JU don't see it that way.
I agreed that Obama is not a Saviour, or God, or whatever else you guys (can I call you detractors?) Ok, that's probably not a nice term, whatever else you guys like to throw at us (the ones who feel hopeful). I am lost for words to explain that which I've tried to say to you.
As I wrote in my previous article, so many jobs are being lost. People are losing out because of the economy. We know it is happening, we see what is going on. Like it or not, blame whomever you want to for it, it is here and yes, as Judi pointed out on my last blog, it comes in cycles, and I do agree with that. But you guys also need to remember that this is happening globally, not just here in the USA.
I know Obama and his government won't be able to do it all, and will make decisions that even I as his supporter might not like those decisions. But I am ready to deal with whatever the decisions are. I see my bank account dwindling and that is not something to look forward to because we all want to grow financially and in every way possible. And how do we do that? We go to classes, and learn new trades, or get new certifications, we seek out new jobs, but now the new jobs are not there. Yes, some jobs are there in some places. I can tell you of the experiences of two acquaintances who left their homes, moved away with their families for better prospects. They go, live for a month or two, the new prospect is closing its door! What do they do now? It is not that people are not trying, so many people are, but the doors are closing in fast!
So you guys keep telling me, we can't look to someone else for hope, I already agreed with that, and I gave my references as using that hope as a symbol, and once again I get the same responses, over and over and over.
Now it is your turn to tell me, what is your solution to our problems? Perhaps you have the answers, and will know exactly what to do. Because being depressed, and looking at the sky to fall on me, is not my answer to being proactive!