I opened my electric bill for next month, on line, since I get them that way, and what I saw shocked me! My electric bill is $100 more than usual! At first I thought that OK, we just had Christmas, the decorations were up, etc., I had more activities in my home than usual, but a hundred bucks more?!
Well my daughter called me and said her electric bill went up by $80 and when I checked around at work, my co-workers all had the same kind of increase, between $80 and $150!
They have got to be kidding me! What the freak is wrong with these companies? I did hear the news that the electric company in my area had been approved for the rate hike they requested, and there seem to be no limit or cap put on how much more they can charge!
I'm going to call them tomorrow, and I'm going to let them have it! I think it is atrocious that these companies can monopolize consumers the way they do! Only certain companies are allowed in a certain zone, and they often end up being the only one in certain areas. So this ends up being good for them, and bad for us consumers because we cannot shop around! Oh and guess what, tonight's news had more, my cable company will be raising it's rate, beginning in March!
Yes, they are zoned for the area I live in! Whoopee!