Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!

I'll admit I was clueless as to what Twitter was.  I heard the word thrown about, even during the recent election. I've heard it mentioned by talk show hosts, people there, even here.  I saw this link in my mailbox account and took a look at it.  My review of the link had me laughing.  I don't know, I laughed because I am amazed at this and now realise why so many are fascinated with this new 'thing'.  My understanding of Twitter is that you basically ask one question of your friends, family or people who you want to know.  "What are you doing?"  They will give short updates about themselves, little messages telling what they are in fact, doing!  In short, telling anyone interested what you're doing at any given time, in 140 words or less, whenever you want!

Amazing!  So in other words, anyone or everyone, if you so choose to go public, can know what you're doing every given moment of your life.  They can also know what book you're reading, whether you're cooking dinner, etc.  Wow!  I guess this type of thing wouldn't be for the person who wants to hide from the world then uh?!  If a person doesn't want anyone to know where they are, or what they are doing, they are not going to be on Twitter.  Of course, for some people, being in the "public eye" is where they like to be, so I guess that this venue is a great vehicle for them!

I laughed again because I wondered who came up with the name, and why that name?!  "Twitter"  as in twit, twat..ok, ok, I won't go there, but is it possible this is the name because it is just tittering on the edge of something?!  I'm sure if I research it I could find out the real meaning, if there's one, and possibly, one of you will tell me what it means!

I have not signed up, yet, nor have I been on the site to see what is going on, but I will, because I'm just as curious as the next person out there.

It is fascinating though.  Much like Facebook and other social networking sites, it lets people keep in touch with each other, one more way, than the usual, Email, cellphone, Texting, Internet, IM, etc. 

What is next I wonder? 

Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 06, 2009

twitter - Definition [twĭt́ər] 
(v.) To utter a succession of light chirping or tremulous sounds; chirrup.
(v.) To utter or say with a twitter: twittered a greeting.
(n.) The light chirping sound made by certain birds.

What's next? An implant in the skull you can't turn off. It'll fill your brain with the senseless drivel of advertising or, possibly worse, the endless mind numbing minutiae of some else's boring day instead of sitting and actually talking to people and imparting some meaning to one's loved ones: ie turn off the TV and talk to your spouses and children.


(n.) The social network of people laboring to afford food, lodging, clothing and health care.

How about them dreaming up a day's honest labor instead of a way for vapid, insipid airheads to 'update' each other 24/7/365 on expensive foreign made electronic devices which seem to be attached to the sides of what passes for their "heads".


Twitter and the like are meaningless to me. I come from a generation that actually valued privacy, and disliked (secretly) the people who sent those "yearly updates" about every "cute" family detail (at holiday time) to everyone unlucky enough to ever have met them.

I couldn't care less about where 99.99% of people are or aren't at any given time and would fervently hope they feel the same.



on Feb 06, 2009

I messed with Twitter for like a day or two...never got into it.


By the way, did you get my email?


on Feb 07, 2009

What's next? An implant in the skull you can't turn off. It'll fill your brain with the senseless drivel of advertising or, possibly worse, the endless mind numbing minutiae of some else's boring day instead of sitting and actually talking to people and imparting some meaning to one's loved ones: ie turn off the TV and talk to your spouses and children.


I couldn't care less about where 99.99% of people are or aren't at any given time and would fervently hope they feel the same. else are you going to know what is going on?!  Not knowing is not good!


I messed with Twitter for like a day or two...never got into it.

I'm messing with it now, see where it goes!


By the way, did you get my email?


You'e got mail!

on Feb 07, 2009

Twitter and the like are meaningless to me. I come from a generation that actually valued privacy

here, here!

and disliked (secretly) the people who sent those "yearly updates" about every "cute" family detail (at holiday time) to everyone unlucky enough to ever have met them.

oh, yes! 

I couldn't care less about where 99.99% of people are or aren't at any given time and would fervently hope they feel the same.



on Feb 07, 2009

Well, good old Google has solved part of Twit-ter's problem.

The "Where" question is now moot:


There's just no privacy left. I believe I'll start a brand new vertically integrated company: NexSpy

Here's how it'll work:

1. We sell you a "phone" that'll play music, take hires vids, console you (if you need this phone there's really no one in your "life") and also cook for you and brush your teeth as well. The "Ultimate" version will also go to your work and convince the other machines you're really there when you're off somewhere else. Don't feel bad about this minor fraud as we'll have lots of subscribers so your office will probably be empty anyway.

2. We sell you the chauffer service to take you in one direction and your GPS/"smart" "phone" in another. That way, your wife and family will never know where you 'really' are physically. Emotionally you probably were never "there" anyway.

3. We supply you with a new identity and insure you against it's theft.

4. We supply you with "Rosetta Stone" (even though you haven't truly spoken with anyone for years and probably never noticed the lack) and take you where no one can find you. The "Space Shuttle" is an upscale option.

5. After you pay for all these services, we "lose" your paperwork so that not even we can find you.


Or, you can go back to a simple dial phone and rejoin the human race. 

on Feb 07, 2009

I couldn't care less about where 99.99% of people are or aren't at any given time and would fervently hope they feel the same.


After you pay for all these services, we "lose" your paperwork so that not even we can find you.

This is great, and make sure that even I won't know where to find me!LOL!


Or, you can go back to a simple dial phone and rejoin the human race.

What?  I thought we were beyond being just humans now?!   It is the time for the Super bots...

on Feb 07, 2009

I'm just not that into it atm... however I do see marketing potential in it perhaps.

on Feb 07, 2009

Twitter is fantastic for a number of reasons.  The ability to network with others with the same interests is one big advantage. 



on Feb 07, 2009

Island Dog
Twitter is fantastic for a number of reasons.  The ability to network with others with the same interests is one big advantage. 



I'm old enough to remember when that kind of thing Island_Dog was called WORK!

on Feb 08, 2009



I'm just not that into it atm... however I do see marketing potential in it perhaps.

It is actually pretty good for marketing!  It is a fantastic tool for that IMO.


I'm old enough to remember when that kind of thing Island_Dog was called WORK!

Good one!  Sorry ID you walked right into that one!

on Apr 28, 2009

(v.) To utter or say with a twitter: twittered a greeting.

isn't that also called the "vapors".

I don't facebook or twitter, I don't have any real use for either even though I'm sure others find great pleasure in their use.

on Apr 28, 2009

I find it funny that the only practical use for twitter is for kids to keep check with their parents and it is not used that way.  

on Apr 28, 2009

Island Dog
Twitter is fantastic for a number of reasons.  The ability to network with others with the same interests is one big advantage.

That's very true, I.D., but don't forget: On Twitter, like the Internet, the network of friends and acquaintances extends to (if not quite) infinity, then certainly anonymity. If you enjoy its 'plusses', be aware of its 'minuses' and don't get hit up in a scam...and beware of what organizations like Twitter/facebook and myspace do with your personal info...and if you have ghildren/teens, teach them to beware, as well. 

on Apr 28, 2009

  Nothing, not a member.

on Apr 28, 2009

It's intended for twits, I sadly I don't qualify.....

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