Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
Published on February 20, 2009 By foreverserenity In Politics

This is not just about the naysayers who continually bashes the leadership of this country.  It is for those of who don't think we will survive what is going on in our country right now.  It's toxic, it pulls us all down, it weighs heavily that so many have so little hope for us to get beyond the conditions our country is in now.

Yes, I did use that tired old word "hope".  The word that so many spit out as if it was bile in their mouths.  It is a good word, without that word, so many would be lost. Deal with it.

It is toxic to read the "negativism" (using the word of another blogger) that jumps off the pages of some of these blogs. 

It is toxic to see responses that are nothing more than someone else jumping on the bandwagon because they want to be just like someone else.  The hoppers on who regurgitates rather than have an individualized way of being - how sickening!

The jury is still out on how long it will be before we get from Point A to Point Z, however, there has to be a way to get there, and that path will be filled with bumps and not everyone will be happy with the decisions that are made.

Just because you didn't vote for the President, doesn't mean that you demean those who did.  If someone else has an opinion that you don't agree with, having a good old debate sharing views and counter points is a good thing.  Insulting and assassinating the characters of the person who is giving their view points, and lumping all those you don't agree with together, is just plain toxic!

Give more views on what you think the solution should be, or what you would do were you in the position to do it.  Of course, that's if you're not one of those who prefers to mouth off to be heard, or you're a proactive person who would actually do something!  So many like to sit and whine and complain, yet they do nothing!

It is toxic to read so many who sits and waits for us to continue to fall into the quagmire that has become our economy.  So what if you didn't go out there and create the mess that started all this, it is now affecting so many of us!  Do you think hoping that our government fails that you won't too?  The pipe is leaking and will continue to do so until there is a flow that will wash us all into the gutter. 

Pray, pray for our recovery.  If you are one who doesn't pray, then do that which you do.  So that what is left, those who are actually surviving, will continue to do so, that those of us who are still able to succeed, won't fall too. 

on Feb 20, 2009

Hmm, I believe my iron-o-meter just exploded. Great, now my double standard detector seems to be overheating...

on Feb 20, 2009

Maybe you should get to the ER.

on Feb 20, 2009

Maybe you should get to the ER.

Well over the last 8 years I've heard nothing but hate from the Bush-bashing left.  Now that the shoe is on the other foot, well, they just can't seem to handle Any. Criticism. Whatsoever.  Hopefully you understand why I found your post so ironic.

on Feb 20, 2009

Hopefully you understand why I found your post so ironic.

Wonderful, now I understand your comment. See how good it is when you explain yourself? Thank you.

Of course, the shoe is on the other foot.  I am all for it, there's nothing like good old ribbing and disagreement.  The thing is there isn't just that going on.   It would be idiotic of me to argue that.  Regardless of how everyone, or make that, those who opposed Bush felt about him, and yes, made it known to everyone, the same should be for Obama, I don't remember seeing or hearing the downfall of our country in the manner it is being predicted right now. 

on Feb 20, 2009

After reading what I wrote first, I rephrased the beginning of my sentence because it reads better, and less toxic! Yes, even I can be toxic!

on Feb 20, 2009

I don't remember seeing or hearing the downfall of our country in the manner it is being predicted right now.

Really?  Because it just seems like the same old crap, just another President. I think you just view it differently because this is a President that YOU stand behind.  Perspective makes a difference.

on Feb 20, 2009

Seems to me like a lot of gloom and doom is coming from the lips of this president mouth. Where is the hope now?

on Feb 20, 2009

I think you just view it differently because this is a President that YOU stand behind. Perspective makes a difference.

No disagreement there! 


Where is the hope now?

Maybe we can help him find it?  Or refer him for some motivational pick me up since he has probably realised that there will be hell to pay if he doesn't deliver..?

on Feb 21, 2009


I think you just view it differently because this is a President that YOU stand behind. Perspective makes a difference.
No disagreement there! 


Where is the hope now?
Maybe we can help him find it?  Or refer him for some motivational pick me up since he has probably realised that there will be hell to pay if he doesn't deliver..?


As long as Bo supports the road to socailism... there is no hope. maybe for you because you probually will benifit from it. Though I cant say because I dont know you. The road he is going down is "giving" people stuff that they are not entitled to off the backs of us that bust our behinds daily to make a living. He is rewarding stupidity right now, why should me and many other hard working americans support these people.


Look i have no issues with lending a helping hand ... but for those that deserve it.... and right now there are people who dont deserve my or anyone elses help. they made their beds its time they sleep in it. Is it mean? yes. But this entitlement crap needs to stop now otherwise we will turn into another county like france or even worse... look at the wonderful country Hugo chavez has... this is the road we are going on... so why should I embrase it?


BO had his chance to shine... and instead he let Ms polosi and the other left wing nuts play him like a puppet. This is the same old politcal BS... nothing has changed... but instead of making a better america... its only going to get worse... Hope you enjoy your $5 20 oz soda soon because that whats gonna happen. But yeah... i should be happy and be a mindless drone and praise the almighty BO!

on Feb 21, 2009

The road he is going down is "giving" people stuff that they are not entitled to off the backs of us that bust our behinds daily to make a living.
Hmm ... entitled. Great word. Wonder what you mean by it though?

I assume that when people use the word "entitled" or it's more common form "entitlement" that they're essentially speaking about things like welfare, social security and medicare. Basically it's folks that are still pissed off at FDR and have been fighting for the last 64 years trying to overturn everything he accomplished. 64 years, that's 8 squared! And republicans complain that democrats have been pissing and moaning for the last 8 years. I'd say democrats still have quite some catching up to do on the pissing and moaning front. But even 8 years is a fallacy, it’s really closer to the last 4 or 5 years at most that have really upset the democrats, and as evidenced by the last election, pretty much the rest of the country as well.

I personally, and I suspect that many democrats felt pretty much the same way, was supportive of Bush for pretty much the entirety of his first term. I certainly didn't vote for him but he was duly elected even though it did require the intervention of his father’s Supreme Court and I considered him my president just like every other president we’ve had since Ike, whether I voted for them or not.

His handling of 9/11 and Afghanistan was adequate, but his obsession with Iraq and his insistence on believing every scrap of intelligence supportive of invading Iraq while ignoring everything non-supportive, many times within the same reports, was his downfall. Even then at first I was supportive of the Iraq war just like congress and the rest of the American people were supportive, and probably for exactly the same reasons. We were standing behind the president in a time of need and even though we might not have been totally convinced, he was the president and as such deserved the benefit of the doubt.

However once it became clear that he bald faced lied to the American people to get them into an unnecessary war, he no longer was my president. I couldn’t even stand to watch him on TV or listen to him on the radio. The only time I could hear his voice and not immediately turn the channel was if I was watching Jon Stewart.

So I voted for Obama and I do hope he succeeds in bringing us together. I can’t think of a single president that's inherited a more daunting task since FDR. Do I think he can succeed? Definitely not totally, hopefully at least partially.

Oh and I've been "busting my behind" to make a living on a daily basis for the last 38 years with no end in sight.

on Feb 21, 2009


The road he is going down is "giving" people stuff that they are not entitled to off the backs of us that bust our behinds daily to make a living.Hmm ... entitled. Great word. Wonder what you mean by it though?
I assume that when people use the word "entitled" or it's more common form "entitlement" that they're essentially speaking about things like welfare, social security and medicare. Basically it's folks that are still pissed off at FDR and have been fighting for the last 64 years trying to overturn everything he accomplished. 64 years, that's 8 squared! And republicans complain that democrats have been pissing and moaning for the last 8 years. I'd say democrats still have quite some catching up to do on the pissing and moaning front. But even 8 years is a fallacy, it’s really closer to the last 4 or 5 years at most that have really upset the democrats, and as evidenced by the last election, pretty much the rest of the country as well.

I personally, and I suspect that many democrats felt pretty much the same way, was supportive of Bush for pretty much the entirety of his first term. I certainly didn't vote for him but he was duly elected even though it did require the intervention of his father’s Supreme Court and I considered him my president just like every other president we’ve had since Ike, whether I voted for them or not.

His handling of 9/11 and Afghanistan was adequate, but his obsession with Iraq and his insistence on believing every scrap of intelligence supportive of invading Iraq while ignoring everything non-supportive, many times within the same reports, was his downfall. Even then at first I was supportive of the Iraq war just like congress and the rest of the American people were supportive, and probably for exactly the same reasons. We were standing behind the president in a time of need and even though we might not have been totally convinced, he was the president and as such deserved the benefit of the doubt.

However once it became clear that he bald faced lied to the American people to get them into an unnecessary war, he no longer was my president. I couldn’t even stand to watch him on TV or listen to him on the radio. The only time I could hear his voice and not immediately turn the channel was if I was watching Jon Stewart.

So I voted for Obama and I do hope he succeeds in bringing us together. I can’t think of a single president that's inherited a more daunting task since FDR. Do I think he can succeed? Definitely not totally, hopefully at least partially.

Oh and I've been "busting my behind" to make a living on a daily basis for the last 38 years with no end in sight.


FDR was not the greatest presedent there was and in fact the opposite. What he did did not in fact help get the US out of the Depression and in fact kept the US in one much much longer than needed.


Did you know there was a depression in the very early 1900's before the great depression...and you never hear about it because it was short lived and the gov did what is unthought of now a days... cut spending. OMG there is a trivial though.


Yes the american people feel that they should get something for free. Have you not seen the town hall meeting where that lady wanted a house with a kitchen ( ermmm cheap jab here but...dont all houses have a kitchen?! ) or the guy working and McD's crying about having to do that too for a number of years.

Heres my take... you want it you WORK for it. WORK. Earn it. You have the right to presue happyness... your not entitled to it.


And yes bush was great his first 4 years... and then something happend... i dont know if it was the dems that got a hold of him and he turned his back and started going left in his second term.


I did not vote BO nor did I vote for mccain. Mccain and BO had the same ideas pretty much.... which to me a Rep should not have, and BO just had the wrong ideas to suit my needs. Union votes should not be open. Just like any other vote... it should be between you and your maker. No one else should know unless you willingly tell them. there are so many other issues that I dont like.


On top of that... I will admit there is some things that I do agree with BO... But those are minor compaired to the other things I oppose.


Like I said BO had his time to shine... but he really messed up BAD and will never recover ( at least in my book... between him and bush pretty much doubling our debt as a nation in a matter of a year makes me sick... ) Sadly the american public has a short term memory.


One more thing...why on earth would you want to work your whole life and have the government decide what do do with YOUR money. Look, I have no issues on you DONATING your monay and as much AS YOU think is fit. If you want to help , it should be your choice and the gov should not decide for you. If you want 50% of your pay going to someone... donate, at least you can chose and have a bit more control over who you are helping. There are people that need help and I am all for it. The problem is the Gov in its current state does not care who it helps... and personally I rather help someone who was productive and/or will get back to being productive and off the gov welfare.

on Feb 21, 2009

FDR was not the greatest presedent there was and in fact the opposite.
You're welcomed to your own opinion but it's certainly one that I and many others don't share.

And yes bush was great his first 4 years
I hardly said great. Adequate was the word I used and even that was generous on my part. Bush was merely Cheney's hand puppet. I doubt Bush's lips could even move without Cheney's arm up his ass to the shoulder.

why on earth would you want to work your whole life and have the government decide what do do with YOUR money.
Once I pay my taxes it ceases to be MY money and collectively becomes OUR money and we collectively decide how to spend it. I certainly don't care for wasting OUR money any more than if it was still MY money but the question is what spending is the most wasteful. There is a wide range of what one can consider wasteful that reasonable people can hold. Unfortunately, most people on this site are not of the reasonable variety.

Let me tell you a little story about waste in government. In fact it involves how I get paid so I'm intimately aware of the situation. I work for a government "think tank" designing things that I can't discuss. However, I’m a “subcontractor” which means that I actually work for some other company that then loans me out to my true employer. I liken the arrangement to that of a prostitute and their pimp.

Of course subcontractors exist in the commercial world as well. I’m very familiar with commercial industry since that’s were I’ve spent 90% of my working life. In the commercial world the going overhead for subcontractors is on the order of 10% to 20%. However, in the defense industry this overhead is 100%, that’s why I consider them my “pimp”.

But wait it gets even better than this. The “think tank” is actually owned by a major educational institution. The way that this institution gets its cut of the action is to charge the government an additional 60% overhead on all its expenses of which payments to subcontractors is a significant portion.

So I make X, my pimp gets another X for a total of 2X and then the think tank pays another 60% of 2X or 1.2X as overhead to the parent institution. All told my actual employer pays 3.2X for my services of which I get 1X.

But wait there’s still more. I was recently required to change my pimp due to the potential of organizational conflict of interests which is when my pimp may in fact be bidding on work about which I might have some kind of “inside information”. At that point in time I suggested that I would be perfectly willing to work for them as a direct employee and in that case would even be willing to take a pay cut. But no, they weren’t really interested in cutting their expenses from 3.2X down to something like 0.9X. It was simply easier for them to make me choose a new pimp.

The thing is that this isn’t even considered “corporate welfare” and this goes on year after year with tens of thousands of people, perhaps even hundreds of thousands, in similar situations across the country.

You can’t make this stuff up. So hearing this do you really begrudge the single mom her food stamps? That level of concern is penny wise and pound foolish.

on Feb 24, 2009

was supportive of Bush for pretty much the entirety of his first term. I certainly didn't vote for him but he was duly elected even though it did require the intervention of his father’s Supreme Court and I considered him my president just like every other president we’ve had since Ike, whether I voted for them or not.

I didn't vote for him either, but he was my President and I felt his first four years was better than the last four that turned into a nightmare. 


there is no hope. maybe for you because you probually will benifit from it. Though I cant say because I dont know you.

You're right, you don't know me!

I think it is every citizen's responsibility to have a say in what their government is doing, by voting not voting is not having a say.