Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
Published on March 20, 2009 By foreverserenity In Politics

This bad economy has a face, several faces in fact.  Especially the faces of children, those little ones, and the older ones too, who used to live in their comfortable homes, with all their toys, and computers, and each in their own rooms, with mommy and/or daddy working, providing for them.  Now they are in homeless shelters, because mommy and daddy have lost their jobs.  There are many childre who are out there worried that they will be next, their parents will be losing their jobs, and then their homes.  It is hard, hard out there for so many.


This bad economy is not just happening to people who made mistakes,  there are people who were living their lives, making do, even though some were just existing.  All it took was the loss of one paycheck, and sometimes, the two, to make this happen. 


This is why it is amazing to me how many people sit on their high horses, and they find faults, and they complain at what is being done, because they are not in the same situation, they could never be (or could they?).  Well good for you if you can't ever be.  How nice that you wouldn't do what some of those stupid people did.  You know how to handle yourself!    

Now you get off of your soap box, and let the people who are trying to do something to help somany who need it, do what they can do.  This is not about you and your opinions or about what you would do,  Because if nothing is done, what will be the results for those people who have fallen and for the many more who are slowly losing their grip on their livelihood?  Even more wide-spread, the loss of jobs, and homes, and sometimes, the separation of families. 






Comments (Page 3)
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on Mar 22, 2009

You are very quick to leap, mumble. It was a play on words, hardly a 'bald-faced assertion.' Get a sense of humor.
It was no 'accident' that caused you to choose those specific names. It was also no 'accident' that they're all democrats. It's simply standard fare here on JU to shoot first and think later, if at all.

The instant his name is mentioned it's Bush bashing. In reality I gave him the benefit of the doubt for pretty much his entire first term. I certainly didn't vote for him but he was the duly elected president even though it did require the intervention of his father's supreme court to ensure it. But we've had a number of presidents that I didn't vote for that I still considered to be 'my' president. Heck, I even considered Nixon to be 'my' president. It wasn't until I became convinced that Bush had 'bald faced lied' to the American people to get us involved in an unnecessary war that I no longer considered him to be 'my' president.

The right holds Clinton in pretty much the same light as the rest of the country holds Bush. Clinton also lied to the American people however in his case it was over a simple matter of getting a hummer in the oval office, in Bush's case it was a matter of American soldiers losing their lives because of his lie.

You say I need to get a sense of humor, I say you need to get a life.

on Mar 22, 2009

Charles, if you think children don't suffer from circumstance or their parents' poor choices you are crazy. Adults can suck it up and deal. Children do not deserve to.

TW I think I know were Charles is coming from. I didn't realize how little money my parents had until I was much older, but regardless I had a great childhood. Ignorance is bliss and children are resilient. I don't think he was suggesting children deserve to suffer.

on Mar 22, 2009

Mumble, your condescending BS knows no bounds.  And you still need to go buy a sense of humor somewhere.

on Mar 22, 2009

Mr. Bush 'inherited' a few things, too, but I don't recall any slack being cut. People stopped demagoguing for a little while after 9/11, but his critics still call the recession he inherited after the dot-com bubble burst (on Clinton's watch) the 'Bush Recession'.
Actually the "dot com" recession did not start until March 2001 which was clearly within Bush's first term which gives Bush the distinction of having two recessions during his tenure as president and unlike you I at least offer some evidence to back up my claims.

on Mar 22, 2009

[quote]Actually the "dot com" recession did not start until March 2001 which was clearly within Bush's first term which gives Bush the distinction of having two recessions during his tenure as president and unlike you I at least offer some evidence to back up my claims.[/quote]

I am far from being a supporter of Bush's policies or successes of his administration, but the "Dot com" recession was being prepared during Clinton's mandate.

However, Clinton had left to Bush a thriving and strong budget to deal with the economical trouble ahead, and Bush managed to salvage everything. However, everything is a wreak now.

on Mar 22, 2009

Apparently, anything bad that happens during the first 100 days of a new administration (certainly within the first 60) is 'inherited' - I'm just using the current standard.

on Mar 22, 2009

If you wanna get technical here, the children are the ones who suffer the least. Some of these kids are too small to understand the difficulties and they probably dont notice something is wrong. The older ones can understand better and may be willing to make sacrifices. When you speak about suffering, are you talking about them not having all the things they use to have or not eating, sleeping in the cold and not being able to do the basics such as taking baths and brushing their teeth? I think you may be making a mountain out of a molehill. Children don'tm suffer if they don't have all the things they had before or never had, they simply get upset for a while and move on. You don't give children enough credit, they are tronger than you think. My kids had to deal with many years of cheap toys for Christmas and basic Birthday partys with a friend or 2 because we could not afford expensive gifts and lavishing parties. But they did not suffer, they delt with it, just like we all do.

Charles you need to understand children more if this is how you think!  Try going to talk to some children whose lives have been affected by the changes in their parents circumstances.  You live in a different world! I'm not just talking material things here.  This is more important to  you I guess so you see nothing else.



And FTR, Donna is a GIVER. You are a TAKER. I am shocked that you would try to condescend to her regarding this.

Thx Tex. This is what Charles does best,  I write an article, he finds everyway to make me look bad.  Even when I go on his threads to make comments. He gets some weird pleasure out of that I think!

on Mar 22, 2009

the "Dot com" recession was being prepared during Clinton's mandate.
There's no doubt that the causes of the dot com recession were in place before Bush took office and that it's occurance was in essence inevitable but the bottom line is that it did not start until *after* Bush took office.

Apparently, anything bad that happens during the first 100 days of a new administration (certainly within the first 60) is 'inherited' - I'm just using the current standard.
No. Inherited is something that occured *before* the start of a new administration, not simply 60 or 100 days into it. The current recession started in December of 2007 (, over a *year* prior to the current administration.

But none of this relates to the point of the OP and I apologize for my part in derailing the thread.

on Mar 22, 2009

Charles, for your information:


And do try to get a hold of this past Friday's 20/20. They did a program on how the economy is affecting children in our country.  I just like to "make mountains out of molehills".

on Mar 22, 2009

The current recession started in December of 2007

Which two consecutive quarters was there in 2007 with negative growth in the GDP which would satisfy the definition of recession? (no need to answer, I know)

Now if we are going by bad feelings to define recession then I'd have to say things stated turning for the worse when Rep. lost control in 2006 and it got worse in 2008 since they have been in the majority. You milage may vary.

on Mar 22, 2009

US GDP 1990 - 2008

Wikipedia as a credible source.... only if you need something to support your argument.

They did a program on how the economy is affecting children in our country.

Come on FS it's practically child abuse if you take away a kids Play Station and kids without the latest sneakers are "dis-advantaged". There are probably billions of people in the world that wish they could be a poor person in the US. That don't make it right, but it's the truth.

BTW I like your optimism, keep it up! You provide the sunshine, I (and a few others) will provide the rain.

on Mar 22, 2009

Wikipedia as a credible source.... only if you need something to support your argument.

Where did this idea come from that wikipedia is not credible? Sometimes it gives pointless information, but I very rarely come accross something downright wrong.


on Mar 23, 2009

Charles, if you think children don't suffer from circumstance or their parents' poor choices you are crazy. Adults can suck it up and deal. Children do not deserve to.

Children suffer, but not the way you portray it. As I said, most kids are oblivious to what goes on in the world around them. My kids have no clue of the hard times we have been thru, as far as they are concerned they have lived a pretty decent life, because I have made sure they don't suffer the hardship I have had to endure to keep this family from ending up in the streets. Children may not deserve to go thru hard times but you need to wake up and realise that hardship is what makes a person stronger and keeping your kid in a bubble will deprive him of the education to learn to deal with the dificulties he will face as an adult. Your problem is you are a materialistic person who thinks people can't live without cars, TVs, video games and prime rib. Go live in my town in Puerto Rico for a few months and then come back to me and tell me if you think those kids in my town are suffering or are they simply living a basic life based on waht they have at the moment?

And FTR, Donna is a GIVER. You are a TAKER.

I am a taker? Hmmm, so explain to me what do I take?

on Mar 23, 2009

TW I think I know were Charles is coming from. I didn't realize how little money my parents had until I was much older, but regardless I had a great childhood. Ignorance is bliss and children are resilient. I don't think he was suggesting children deserve to suffer.

Thank you Nitro, I admit I don't always express myself in a way that everyone can understand, but you pretty much caught my point.

on Mar 23, 2009

Charles you need to understand children more if this is how you think! Try going to talk to some children whose lives have been affected by the changes in their parents circumstances. You live in a different world! I'm not just talking material things here. This is more important to you I guess so you see nothing else.

Considering I have been a father of 2 for 10 years and have been an uncle of 7 for 18 years and was a child myself once with vivid memories of my childhood, I think I have plenty of understanding of children. I know more about children than you can ever imagine, asking children anything is like asking someone to admit they are wrong, you won't get a straight answer. You know what my 5 year old told my wife he would do if she had another baby and it was a girl? He said he would dump her in the garbage cause he wants a baby brother. Do you think I should take this 5 year old serious? This is not the first time I have heard comments like this from children, a common thing for children to say things that scare the hell out of ya but in reality it's simply ignorance and a misunderstanding of their choice of words.

You don't know what life I have lived. Once upon a time I had it all, as a child I had any toy I wanted and to me that meant having it all even though my parents were not rich, they just made good money and my father was good at managing it. As I grew older all that changed and I had to be happy with the cheap toys I got and you know what? I was. It is now that I am older that I am more ambitious and want more than I have, but I never suffered as a child except when my parents fought and eventually seperated. That situation, however, made me more of a man that I even was as I had to be the strong one and stand up to my dad and his stupid attitude and I had to get my mom away from him.

My child hood made me a better man. I may not be rich and I may not be good at managing my money. But those hard times tought me a lot and I am making sure my kids don't have to suffer the things I did suffer and that material stuff is just that. The only suffering my kids currently go thru is not always getting what they want but they eventually learn to deal with it and move on.

Thx Tex. This is what Charles does best, I write an article, he finds everyway to make me look bad. Even when I go on his threads to make comments. He gets some weird pleasure out of that I think!

Forever, I have nothing against you. I think you are a kind and caring person with a big heart. We simply disagree on a lot of things and I like expressing my oppinions and defending them. I don't expect any nice comments from Tex since she has had a dislike for me since the first days I came to JU years ago. Her beef with my comment about calling our soldiers "our boys" (a comment made by many before and after me in many places) has had her panties in a bunch ever since. Tex is a nice person to but as oppose to having a difference of opinion with me, her comments are usually fueled by her dislike of me and I don't always pay attention to what she says. Oddly enough the avatars you both have are somewhat similar and had not noticed I replied to her comment and I thouht it was you even though the second line confused me, I though you were talking about yourself in 3rd person.

If I offended you in any way I apologize. I do get a kick out of debating, but not of making you look bad.

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