Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
Published on March 20, 2009 By foreverserenity In Politics

This bad economy has a face, several faces in fact.  Especially the faces of children, those little ones, and the older ones too, who used to live in their comfortable homes, with all their toys, and computers, and each in their own rooms, with mommy and/or daddy working, providing for them.  Now they are in homeless shelters, because mommy and daddy have lost their jobs.  There are many childre who are out there worried that they will be next, their parents will be losing their jobs, and then their homes.  It is hard, hard out there for so many.


This bad economy is not just happening to people who made mistakes,  there are people who were living their lives, making do, even though some were just existing.  All it took was the loss of one paycheck, and sometimes, the two, to make this happen. 


This is why it is amazing to me how many people sit on their high horses, and they find faults, and they complain at what is being done, because they are not in the same situation, they could never be (or could they?).  Well good for you if you can't ever be.  How nice that you wouldn't do what some of those stupid people did.  You know how to handle yourself!    

Now you get off of your soap box, and let the people who are trying to do something to help somany who need it, do what they can do.  This is not about you and your opinions or about what you would do,  Because if nothing is done, what will be the results for those people who have fallen and for the many more who are slowly losing their grip on their livelihood?  Even more wide-spread, the loss of jobs, and homes, and sometimes, the separation of families. 






Comments (Page 5)
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on Mar 24, 2009

Weird! Unexpected and I won't let it go to my head! (of course you could be talking to Tex right?!

Well, I can't say Tex is one of my fav bloggers since she has not been posting for a while (a long to to me anyways), but I enjoy her comments, even if they are sometimes mean towards me. But your articles are more heartfelt, passionate and caring. I could not write articles like these.

on Mar 24, 2009

LOL! Like you, I tell my kids the same, the only difference is, I tell mine to be optimistic and always look on the positive side and to always, always look for what the experience has taught them.  I can be pessimistic, darkly so. I can be the most horrible of people with my emotions.  But I have to look at things out of the box, away from myself, and look ahead at what can be.  In doing this, it is what drives my optimism. I believe wholeheartedly that the good Lord gives us what we can handle, even though some of us choose not to do so (handle our bizniz) rather, some sink even more into the quarmire that their lives have become.  I believe that the Lord does provide us with the tool we need to handle what comes at us, in preparation for what we must deal with.  Sometimes we do not realise it, until we have already gone through it.  You're right of course and I agree, that it is good to learn from our experiences.  This in essence is the lesson that some learn, while others continue to make the same mistakes.

And yes, my article's focus was about children getting caught up in their parent's situations and the end results for them because of this.  I know that coddling kids at certain stages is good, while at others them learning for themselves, is never a bad thing.

Thx on the kuddos, I appreciate it! We do think diffently, hence our p.o.v. and how we write are different!

on Mar 24, 2009

Now you get off of your soap box, and let the people who are trying to do something to help somany who need it, do what they can do.  This is not about you and your opinions or about what you would do,  Because if nothing is done, what will be the results for those people who have fallen and for the many more who are slowly losing their grip on their livelihood?  Even more wide-spread, the loss of jobs, and homes, and sometimes, the separation of families. 

When I see The Central Committee doing something to help these faces, I might find it in my heart to get off my soap box.  Of course, we aren't wondering where our next meal is coming from, nor are we anywhere close to losing our homes.

But how much of the money already spent in all this spending have gone to any of the faces you bring to our attention?

Trillions have been allocated for "recovery, but how much of that has gone to the faces of whom you speak?  For all the talk about "trickle up economics" it seems the first fruits have completely missed the bottom and gone right to the top.

We just put in our tax return and found nothing about either of Obama's payouts that help us any at all.


on Mar 25, 2009

We just put in our tax return and found nothing about either of Obama's payouts that help us any at all.

Not yet.  This is definitely one to watch dontcha think?!

on Apr 08, 2009

How can someone cause a recession, or better still a massive economic meltdown, before they are in office, I know youn Barak is clever, but even he is not that good, I think a few people need to have a good lie down and think about whether disliking someone because of their political viewpoint, and blaming them for something they did not create. Sure he may have made a few cockups since, or at least that is the way I read it for the right, but you cannot blame him for the economic mess. Seee over here in the land of OZ, we had our new leader almost 18 months, so we have at least that much to blame him for and the rest on his predecessors.

on Apr 08, 2009

One thing I would say is, The people that are giving advice to your president and our prime minister, are the same ones responsible for this mess, and that is where the lion's share of your trillions of tax payer funds are going, if you want to hang someone, hang the bankers, and investment bankers, and for good measure throw in the fundmanagers, financial planners, accountants and the regulators. Cause these  are the greedy bastards that caused this mess, most of whom are sitting back on their big bonuses at enjoying life and making cake for the poor.

on Apr 08, 2009

I think a few people need to have a good lie down and think about whether disliking someone because of their political viewpoint, and blaming them for something they did not create.

Had Obama been a governor or someone off the street elected to the presidency, I would agree with you. He was a senator four year prior to becoming president, and therefore part of the problem (before he took office). If you feel spending more money than every other administration combined (Washington to W. Bush) for a recession that hasn't come close yet to the one in the late 70's/early 80's that's your right. We still have 3 years and 9 months to go, and he isn't even warmed up. Nothing personal against the man, it's the policies.

on Apr 08, 2009

John Maynard Keynes, why are gonvernments all of a sudden becoming diciples of the aforemention economists, and its no a few its everyone. This may add some fuel to the fire, why? Keynesian theory relies on one important precept, it only works when a government has total control, eg: <!-- @page { margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } -->A Totalitarian government, USSR would be a good example. Something to ponder.

Thanks for your comments Nitro.

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