Do you agree with this hogwash?
While away I saw a news report about pharmacists who are refusing to fill certain prescriptions because of their religious beliefs?!! OK, so I go to the pharmacy to fill my prescription for birth control pill or the morning after pill and I'm going to be refused because the pharmacist doesn't beleive in birth control or abortion? What is wrong with this picture? Actually, let me rephrase that. Doesn't anyone see something wrong with this?
My spin on this is that if you are a pharmacist, you're there to do a job, do it and stop preaching and pushing your idealism on others. You are not a priest nor or you God, so stop trying to let women feel as if something is wrong with them. The news report that I saw, the poor woman was crying because she felt that she had done something wrong! All she wanted to do, was to not have any more children for a while after giving birth to her first child. The doctor recommended that she go on birth control for health reasons. I think that this pharmacist was being very irresponsible and should be fired. Would he deny a man from filling Viagra tablets, I think not. So the lady had to go several miles out of her way to find a pharmacy that would fill her prescription.
This is so wrong and pharmacists who do that should not be allowed to practise their professions. Afterall, they are there to help the public not to hinder them.