I feel...
tired, old, worn out, hungry, hot, cold, bothered
miserable, I want my mommy....
I feel
achy, weak, limp, listless
I know they're words with the same meanings
but I really don't care....
It's been a while since I've been sick with the flu or is it the cold?
I have no idea, but a bug is going around, and I've caught it
My baby had it, she caught it from her brother
I caught it from her because she kept slobbering kisses all over my face
And insisted that I eat from her plate.....
I thought I was strong
But then I'm not so young anymore....
Ah well.....this simply means I need to take more vitamins
I don't right now, and that's probably why I caught this so easily
Ah the pain...head hurts, cough, cough, coughhhhhhhhhhhhhh
limped into work today....hopefully get something done
The pain.....
I'm gonna have another hot toddy when I go home
something nice to look forward to!