Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
if you're an internet junkie
Published on February 25, 2005 By foreverserenity In Blogging
When I wrote my last blog it was about my missing JU for a day. I boldly, I thought, used the words “Internet Addiction”. After posting my article, reading and responding to various comments, which were quite interesting by the way; I perused the Website to see what was the flavor of the day, as I like to call it. Apparently, there were other blogs about the very same thing – internet addiction! Truthfully, I was surprised. I guess we’ve all been around each other too long…we’re beginning to think alike, and feel the same way about things.

Now some people might not want to hear this. “Say what?! No way do I feel the same way or think the same way as him, or her, or she!” Is likely to be the response. And what of it anyway? My quip would be, “Great minds think alike!”

The Internet is vast, as you know. There is a site of interest for each and every person. Whenever I go online for information I always think to myself how did we manage before without it? Duh, of course we managed. It just took us longer to get the information we needed. We had to get it from books at the library, or other sources, such as from Microfiche or encyclopedias. But with the Internet you don’t even have to format complete sentences to find what you’re looking for. Just one word will do and you’ll easily find the answer you seek.

The Internet is a beehive of social activities. It’s definitely a place to link up with friends, find new ones and maintaining old relationships. These links can be Chat Rooms, Blogsites, or Weblogs, to name a few. Places where people of like-minds interact with each other. There are communities such as this one,;;; even communities for people working in the same field, who find an outlet by writing their frustrations on Websites like, which I recently found when I wrote a blog about the risk of eating out. Link

There are websites that are for people who used to attend of all places, Jewish youth camps, such as, Link. There’s even a website named, Link. So you see there’s a place for everyone in Internet land.

So what if people like logging on and spend most of their free time online? So what?! If they don’t know how to get a life, perhaps they will learn to do so after perusing one of those self-help internet links!

That said, there’s no need to be mean or nasty to others because of the time they spend in internet land. Truthfully, that’s wasted emotions. If you feel very strongly about something, we should discuss, argue points of views, and talk amongst ourselves. We should do all these things, but do this with respect for each other. I’m sure many of you will agree with me on this. Why make someone feel odd or weird because they like to log on and surf the net? So what if they do? For some people, this is their favorite way of communicating.

There are many different people on line, geeks, freaks, fraternities, sororities, Greeks, moms, dads; people from all walks of life. These are people from all geographical locations and there are no geographical boundaries.

You don’t need a plane, train, or bus ticket for this ride folks! Wheeeee, it can be a bumpy ride, if you let it. So hang on, and enjoy it. You might just have fun while doing it.

on Feb 25, 2005
You don’t need a plane, train, or bus ticket for this ride folks! Wheeeee, it can be a bumpy ride, if you let it. So hang on, and enjoy it. You might just have fun while doing it,

I know I do.,because of my dumb illness I have many more bad days than good ones, so this site is my main source of entertainment while I am to sick to go out and play.
on Feb 25, 2005
know I do.,because of my dumb illness I have many more bad days than good ones, so this site is my main source of entertainment while I am to sick to go out and play.

I read your blogs all the time but don't remember you mentioning an illness? Hope u r getting better. The internet is certainly a good thing to have around when you're housebound, definately!

The problem arises when a person withdraws from the real world so completely and isolates themselves for so long that when they then find their self in an unhappy 'net situation they are emotionally "destroyed."

That's simply not healthy.

If you no longer find pleasure in your net activites, if they are causing you pain, and you are unable to find that OFF button

You're correct LW, if this become unhealthy and makes a person unhappy, then they should spend time doing something else. The thing is, how would someone let it become this way? And why? I guess the key is to do everything in moderation then. We should all know our breaking point, right?!
on Feb 25, 2005
I've written something on this before, and made very similar points. Link

We do think alike on the subject.