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Road to Wellness and Serenity
Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
Huge breakfast sandwich?
Published on March 29, 2005 By
This just in…..(from MSNBC News on MSN.com:
) Burger King has introduced two new breakfast sandwiches that are “huge”. Huge? Huge breakfast food items? Fast food places are still serving bigger food? I thought they were “downsizing” their food choices so consumers can make better and healthier choices?
I mean, let’s face it, every newspaper article, television programs, and all media, have been heralding how fat Americans are. There’s just no way that the CEO of Burger King didn’t hear this bit of information?!
The article quoted the fast food chain officials saying that there are healthier choices available but they did a survey and people wanted bigger food choices? Really? I wonder where and whom they surveyed? People who don’t eat on a regular basis and need to eat really large food at one sitting?
Mmmm, this is one for the record folks; there are actually Americans out there who still demand huge portion of food so they can be bursting at the “seam” after eating. We’re talking 730 calories.
After this breakfast, you really can skip lunch, or at least, you will have to really eat a salad for lunch and dinner. Unless of course you’re not one of those lucky Americans who have to watch what they eat, then I guess as the saying goes, “this one’s for you babe!”
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Perhaps I'm too Opinionated....
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on Mar 29, 2005
I think it is Burger King trying to get in a bit on the action the Hardees has pretty much monopolized with their "Thickburgers". After all, if Hardees can have a 1400 calorie burger, why not have a breakfast sandwich that has half that?
Sort of makes me a bit sick (but since I haven't really had much to eat today, a little hungry too
on Mar 29, 2005
Personal responsibility !!!
ABC did a "expose" on the same sandwich last night, picturing young fat guys grazing at the BK, on sat right next to the sign for the new fruit bowl......
I'm no little guy, and the sandwich ingredients are near equal to my average breakfast, time permitting, I'd prefer grits as opposed to the bun.
I'm relatively active, work out as needed, and maintain my weight with around 3000 calories per day ( some days 1500, other days 5000...) I could stand to lose 20 or 30 pounds, BUT, I have no desire to switch to low-cal foods, diet drinks, or god forbid, shakes or pills.
It's my perogative, it's my personal choice, and it's not the food providers responsibility to monitor my nutrient intake. I'd further pontificate that if the food service industry did decide to limit individual sales based on the customer calorie intake, the screams of discrimination would produce many more lawsuits than the "helplessly obese".
It's lunch time now, and since I only had 3 Krispy Kremes and a 20 oz Mt dew for breakfast, I'm gonna go to Arby's and have a Big Montana roast beef on a huge onion roll, with a large potato cake, and a super sized sweet iced tea..........
on Mar 29, 2005
BTW, I'm 6'5", weigh around 270, with a 38" waist and a 52" chest......25 years ago I graduated basic training at 255lbs, so for a 40 something I don't put myself in the overweight demographic.
I didn't get this big lookin' at food, and I have no intentions of any dietary change. My cholesterol runs about 180, my BP is consistently low, and my blood glucose stays under 100........
So it goes..
on Mar 29, 2005
I think it is Burger King trying to get in a bit on the action the Hardees has pretty much monopolized with their "Thickburgers". After all, if Hardees can have a 1400 calorie burger, why not have a breakfast sandwich that has half that?
Egads Dev! I had no idea that new Hardees sandwich was 1400 calories!!! Even for a hearty eater, that's a lot! But I guess you're right, it provides good competition, after all, it's all about the benjamins isn't it?!
I'm sure it will be a big seller, and I actually think it's rather daring of them, considering the fact that fat people all over America are currently looking for a way to sue fast food operations.
Oh yes LW, I agree with you there. And also, if you don't like it, don't buy it. Let's face it, even I might go out and try it, but it would be one sandwich, and it would serve for at least three of us, my hubby, me and my 3 year old! (share the fat I say!) But for me since I usually have my breakfast at home on the weekends or at the office during the week, that's not likely.
For a big burly construction worker who'se going to burn about 1500 calories before lunch though, it would be an excellent choice. Why should someone like that be forced to spend $10-12 on 3 breakfast sandwiches when he can get something like that and save money? Or, if the sandwich is split with another person, that would give them each a 365 calorie breakfast, ( still a bit high, but not that bad for an active person ) at a decent savings.
Yep, agree with you here too Whip - (smart as a whip-hope you don't mind the pun!). The value at $2.99 as the article mentioned is pretty reasonable. And if two people split the cost, hey, half the price and half the calorie, so there's no wrong in this picture.
and nobody is forcing the fat to eat it.
Yep, this fat will stay away from it! har, har...
ABC did a "expose" on the same sandwich last night, picturing young fat guys grazing at the BK, on sat right next to the sign for the new fruit bowl......I'm no little guy, and the sandwich ingredients are near equal to my average breakfast, time permitting, I'd prefer grits as opposed to the bun.
I didn't see this one Dyno. I can bet they made the people eating it look bad.
It's my perogative, it's my personal choice, and it's not the food providers responsibility to monitor my nutrient intake. I'd further pontificate that if the food service industry did decide to limit individual sales based on the customer calorie intake, the screams of discrimination would produce many more lawsuits than the "helplessly obese".
I agree that it is personal choices and responsibilities. But let's face it, some people are so helpless when it comes to food and absolutely need help. But you're right, there would definately be a deafening roar!
It's lunch time now, and since I only had 3 Krispy Kremes and a 20 oz Mt dew for breakfast, I'm gonna go to Arby's and have a Big Montana roast beef on a huge onion roll, with a large potato cake, and a super sized sweet iced tea..........
Dyno, you're hilarious! and this does sound yummy! For you, I think it's ok! Plus it does look like you take care of yourself, so enjoy!
on Mar 29, 2005
Anyone who prefers a nice bowl of yummy oatmeal to a plate of eggs, bacon, sausage or ham, homefries/hashbrowns, and white toast with butter and jam, raise your hands.
Please....people will be beating the doors down to buy this thing. I can't wait. I love the sausage, egg and cheese croissants, man, they're the shizzle! I also love McDonald's breakfast burritos, but they've gotten smaller in the last year or so, too.
When I was kid, i remember how people used to bitch about the size of portions at restaurants, saying they were too small.
So, sometime in the 80s, the things got bigger. Also added to the options were the "Biggie" stuff for just a few cents more. Then "Biggie" got bigger. Now, we're bitching because we're fat, so we want the restaurants to start serving smaller portions again.
What a fickle thing is man.
on Mar 29, 2005
A sudden, horrible thought:
What if the trend toward smaller portions causes the closing of places like Old Country Buffet, Golden Corral and my favorite places of all: Chinese Buffets? I can put away 3-4 full plates at a Chinese place, after all.
OCB and GC are awesome! I love GC's steaks!
OH NO! We've got to nip this "healthy" crap in the bud now!
on Mar 29, 2005
Anyone who prefers a nice bowl of yummy oatmeal to a plate of eggs, bacon, sausage or ham, homefries/hashbrowns, and white toast with butter and jam, raise your hands.
I have to agree with you here RW. There are times when I am sorely tempted. At the moment I'm on a eat better, loose weight kick and it's working so far. But, the thing for me is.....drum roll...I don't deny myself! That's the only way it works. If I want chocolate (and I'm a chocoholic!), I eat it but in moderation and boy am I learning to moderate! But I'm eating a lot healthier. Not that I didn't before, It's been a mix bag of indulging and not indulging; but I'm paying a lot more attention to the way I eat now.
smaller portions causes the closing of places like Old Country Buffet, Golden Corral and my favorite places of all: Chinese Buffets?
No way! That won't happen! They'll just go with the flow and serve the way people want.
this "healthy" crap in the bud now!
No can do buddy. For those children out there who are obese, this is absolutely necessary!
BTW, I'm 6'5", weigh around 270, with a 38" waist and a 52" chest......
growwwwwl! (too bad I'm married, I'd ask ya where you live, lol. I have a thing for big guys, and at 5'2", I'd climb you like a tree!)
~fans self and moves on~
Can I hear an Amen here! I'm fanning myself just reading this!
As a person who has struggled with her weight for years, I can offer this advice...DON'T GO THERE. AT ALL. EVER. I don't even frequent these places, cus I know I'll be tempted to order something greasy when I go in...I mean, who really wants a few chunks of fruit and yogurt when their buddy is digging into a nice, fragrant cheeseburger?
Make your own breakfast, pack your lunch, and leave the grease palaces for those whose metabolisms allow them to eat there.
Oh yes, I agree with you here. Although at times it's hard for some people. I definately am on the brown bagging breakfast and lunch to work. Nothing smells better than my cooking!
on Mar 29, 2005
No can do buddy. For those children out there who are obese, this is absolutely necessary!
No, I disagree here....for all those children who are obese, it's a necessity that their
what they eat, when they eat it, and how much exercise they get.
If their kid looks like Eric Cartman and sits on the couch all day playing his PS2 or watching "Terrence and Phillip" and eating Cheezy Poofs, Poppy Tarts and plates of Chocolate-Glazed Donut Powdered-Sugar Pancake Surprise, it's time for them put their foot down.
Congrats on the weight loss; good for you!
Everything in moderation, you know.
on Mar 29, 2005
Damn !
My wife just called and its grilled chicken breast with steamed veggies for supper. ( I'll drown those suckers with BBQ sauce and Ranch dressing respectively )
If I'm lucky there'll be some of that strawberry cheesecake ice cream left to snack on later this eve..........( prob'ly be canalope tho..)
LW, ~blush~ uh, well, I, uh...gee, thanks....
I have a spare climbing harness in my bag if the need arises.....
Texas Wahine
on Mar 29, 2005
Hmmm...I think it's kind of crazy the menu items they come up with...however, going to a nice sit down restaurant entails waaaay more calories than that sandwich, and most people think nothing of that.
I tend to feel the same way little whip does about this...for those of us who can't manage something so calorie-dense, our best option is to avoid it (or BK) and leave the artery-clogging fare to those blessed with monster metabolisms or those who just flat out don't care.
Personally, I am within the healthy weight range for my height and age (although, quite...curvy, voluptuous, or my favorite, "fluffy") but I have to watch what I eat or I will put on more weight. I might eat something like this (although not that sandwich specifically...blech) as a treat maybe once every couple of months or so.
Maybe it's not the best thing for America at large (ha, a pun), but it's nice to have the option of something like this when and if we decide we want it.
on Mar 30, 2005
Sorry didnt have time to read the coments above. But i still want to add my 2 cents. I think that American dont really want to make the sacrifices it takes to eat healthier food, and do WANT bigger burgers etc.
It's such a good deal! You get the Huge burger, with the huge fries, with the Huge drink for such a cheap price!
So even though the 'supersize me' documentary came out, it doesnt change anything. It's abit like 'Oh, my God i'm so unhealthy, honey will you pass me the fries?' you know what i mean??
It's a fact, people are bigger and enjoy bigger meals. And since the money is talking what fast food company will actually want to win less than they are now for health's sake?
on Mar 30, 2005
For decades McDonald's has fallen over itself trying to please one special interest group or another. In almost every case it has done nothing but invite more pressure from more interest groups. What does McDonald's think... that somehow PETA, Environmentalists and Nutrition Nazis are going to all of the sudden start liking them, just because they come up with a veggie burger, change their wrappings a million times, or start offering carrot sticks and apple slices?
BK and Hardee's are doing exactly what they should be doing; surveying their own customers and creating menu items accordingly.
I've said it before, but I'll say it again here... As soon as a person darkens the door of a fast food joint we are saying, WE DON'T CARE! We'll eat what we want and roll the dice!! ;~D
Of course, since freedom works both ways, each time someone tries to sue these places because of their failling health, the judges need to look them in the eye, smile and say, "WE DON'T CARE!" as he or she throws the case out as frivolous.
on Mar 30, 2005
Of course, since freedom works both ways, each time someone tries to sue these places because of their failling health, the judges need to look them in the eye, smile and say, "WE DON'T CARE!" as he or she throws the case out as frivolous.
Amen, Brother! Can I gedda witness?
I have said, and will continue to say here, that that "Supersize Me" guy was a complete butt-nugget who deserved all the repercussions from his decision.
who's sane and normal eats McDonald's for EVERY meal EVERY day. That's common sense. It's bad for you, and everyone knows it.
I have no idea why the movie made such a big splash (besides the PR nuclear attack they used. I don't think I've seen anything like it since "Blair Witch"...another stupid flick that was all PR); it's not like he revealed any big secrets or new ideas.
on Mar 30, 2005
Big Ass Breakfasts! W007! Can I supersize that? I can hardly wait to get home and try one. God (or whomever really) bless America.
on Mar 30, 2005
No, I disagree here....for all those children who are obese, it's a necessity that their parents regulate what they eat, when they eat it, and how much exercise they get.
RW, I agree with you that parents are the ones that need to regulate their children's eating. Yes they do. But I still stress that these places need to continue to do something about the food choices because some people only eat at these places. Some parents really don't know any better and do not see the harm they do their children when they feed them with greasy, fat, unhealthy food.
I saw a program a couple of months ago, it was actually a talk show. This woman fed her son with so much food since he was 6mths, the child was a hefty 100 + lbs and he was only 3 years old!!! Her family member brought her on television to talk some sense into her and get her help because she didn't see, or couldn't see that she was hurting her child. There are extreme cases out there. And these people need to get the message, especially for their children's sake.
Congrats on the weight loss; good for you! Everything in moderation, you know.
Thanks, and yes, in moderation. I'm a work in progress!
I am within the healthy weight range for my height and age (although, quite...curvy, voluptuous, or my favorite, "fluffy") but I have to watch what I eat or I will put on more weight.
I like fluffy too, har har. But I've seen your pics and you're looking good girlfriend!
Maybe it's not the best thing for America at large (ha, a pun), but it's nice to have the option of something like this when and if we decide we want it.
It is the best thing for everyone. I like the idea too that if you want to eat it once in a while, then damn it, it's my choice! So I guess others are saying this too...freedom of will...!
'supersize me' documentary came out, it doesnt change anything. It's abit like 'Oh, my God i'm so unhealthy, honey will you pass me the fries?' you know what i mean??
I missed that documentary, darn it! : ). But you're right, on some levels people are aware but they are still in denial.
I've said it before, but I'll say it again here... As soon as a person darkens the door of a fast food joint we are saying, WE DON'T CARE! We'll eat what we want and roll the dice!! ;~DOf course, since freedom works both ways, each time someone tries to sue these places because of their failling health, the judges need to look them in the eye, smile and say, "WE DON'T CARE!" as he or she throws the case out as frivolous.
People will make their choices because they can and do whatever the heck they want. It's just the few who will make the changes to their eating habits. Plus it's just that, a habit, one that's hard to be broken if there's no will. And yep, some of those law suits are frivolous!
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