Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
Published on May 3, 2005 By foreverserenity In Misc
John Lennon said, “Life happens when you’re making other plans”.

I’m learning to let go of the wheel
To let God be my driver

There are times when I take control and steer myself in other directions
Because I think that’s the way I should go, the path I should take

Somehow I always end up full circle
Right where I started and I wonder
“What the…?! “Why?”

The simple answer is, life happens when I’m making other plans.
It just does.

Then I remember to just let go and let God.
When I do let go, everything just falls into place.

So I’m trying to remember to let go of the wheel.

(Just breathe, deep breaths, stretch, upside down dog…. let it go)

(Now I’m off to listen to Anastacia) And I’m giggling cause my daughter just asks me, “Mommy what time is clock?” I stare at her blankly because I’m in the middle of writing. “She repeats, what time is clock?” And I look at the computer clock and say “its 8:55 (pm) darling”. She says “Oh, thank you” and runs off. Ah kids…. (Smiles).

on May 03, 2005
Yeah, sometimes it's best to just go with the flow so to speak. Sometimes life is like quicksand. The more you struggle against it the deeper you sink.
on May 03, 2005
Sometimes life is like quicksand. The more you struggle against it the deeper you sink.

Nice analogy and absolutely true.
on May 03, 2005
Mmmh, i'll think about this... Great article serenity
on May 04, 2005
Reply By: island_gurl12Posted: Tuesday, May 03, 2005Mmmh, i'll think about this... Great article serenity

Thx IG!
on May 04, 2005
It's scary the difference between knowing you'll have more fun if you take your hand off the safety rail, and actually doing it, isn't it?

I think I'm down to a couple of fingers, but each time the ride takes a sharp turn my grip seems to instinctually tighten. I wish I could truly realise that it's better to focus on the wind in my hair than the hold I have on what I think is secure. Cause if we're gonna crash, it really makes no difference what you're holding on to, does it?

Great article Donna.

Suz xxx
on May 05, 2005
Cause if we're gonna crash, it really makes no difference what you're holding on to, does it?

Interesting thoughts on this. Thx Suz!