Sex for some people is a private matter, not to be discussed in public at all cost. To be kept behind the bedroom doors without a hint of impropriety.
For others sex is an open book. Some are very in touch with their sexuality and love to show it off at all cost. They can’t stop talking about their sex lives. They might even be a tad obsessive on the subject.
Food for some people is a public matter. The door is open for others to observe and look what is eaten. To see what’s actually there on the table. To be enjoyed by all. People don’t really care what other people think about what they eat. They don’t hide it.
Cars, a topic whose status I discussed recently. Now a car for some people is like good sex. Or let me rephrase that, for some men it’s like good sex. You can’t get between a man and his car. Especially if it’s one of those fancy sports type, sleek, shiny and fast!
So if you were given a choice to choose from the three which would you choose.
Let’s summarize. Sex is enjoyable by all who do it, even when it has its moments (for those who have a bad lay!) but it’s definitely not the “food of life”! You can live without it, can’t you? MMmm, I think I beg to differ on this one!
Food is definitely the sustenance of mankind. We need to eat to survive. Sometimes we eat too much! But it’s definitely up there in the need factor. Who wants to go hungry? Definitely not me.
Cars, I’ve said how attached I am to my old, er, lets say, old classic cars. I like driving in them; I like the clean look of them. Hey, I’m not sexually turned on by them, but they do have some appeal!
So which would it be for you?
Or let me put it this way, a lobster dinner, Cindy Crawford/Brad Pitt or a Porsche?
But what if your choices were these, orange circus peanut, Jerry Stiller/Bea Arthur, or a Dodge Dart?
Would your choice remain the same?
I’m trying to do a count so if you read this, please respond!