I just came back from my exercise walk routine. I’ve been walking at lunch time this week for 30mins everyday, speed walking, because I can’t get to the gym this week. It’s been doing fine and so as not to lose my interest in working out I make it a point to do it.
I walk very quickly (don’t ask me how fast because I don’t have one of those fancy things that check my steps – I should get one!) and I move my arms in a pumping motion and move my hips like a swagger-like motion while I walk (in speed walking fashion!).
Since yesterday however, I’ve been feeling this pain in my right foot, on the right side of my shank. That muscle you feel when you flex your leg and stretch (you probably don’t’ feel it then per say, but it definitely affects how you walk!). I’ve got to look up the name for it. I began feeling this pain in my right foot like I’ve been telling you, the muscle feels tight, my leg feels like I can’t push myself any further and I almost am limping if I don’t ease up. Egad! Damn! I slow my walk and I continue and only then do I get a relief. So I take a moment to stretch and flex my foot a bit. Then I start again. It happened again.
So I practically am limping back to my office by the time I was done. The pain goes away and I hold and stretch my leg to relax the muscle.
Now this can be one of two things – at least I hope it is and hope one of you might know what I’m dealing with (yes doctors at JU)
I think it’s my footwear because I’m not wearing the proper footwear at the moment. Not walking sneakers or cross training ones. I planned on getting a pair but didn’t do so yet.
Or I could be having problems with my leg? I just had my physical, blood tests results are fine, except the doctor said I have to eat more iron because my blood cell count is a little low. (I’m not anemic though)
So what do you think? Is it just a new sneakers I need or should I go to see a podiatrist?