Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
Published on May 26, 2005 By foreverserenity In Entertainment
Apparently being a celebrity today means you will have an entourage and you will have people doing the most mundane and ridiculous things for you.

Being an assistant to a celebrity doesn't necessarily means that you’re going to respond to fan mail or set up appointments for the hair salon or even go to lunch with friends.

According to Stuff Magazine these assistants are assigned special tasks:

A “petite Colombian” follows Mariah Carey around and her duties include keeping the diva’s “long skirts from touching the floor”. She also has to carry around a Louis Vuitton backpack filled with bottled water.

Ja Rule has a comedian who tells him jokes.

Ludacris has an assistant whose job is to make sure his Game Boy always have fresh batteries!

Wow! If this is all it takes to work for these people, I need to put my application in pronto!

Oh btw, note to Star War fans…..

Hayden Christensen is bored with Hollywood and being an actor. Apparently it just doesn’t hold the appeal he thought it would have for him anymore. He said Star Wars might be his last movie. Guess what he plans on doing next? Studying architecture!

Ah well, Hollywood’s loss, building and constructions gain…..maybe he will design the set for the next Star Wars episode….if there’s going to be one….

on May 26, 2005
)))))))) push (((((((
on May 26, 2005
I may be entourage material!
on May 26, 2005
Hayden Christensen is the only eye candy (besides Matt Damon) who makes movies I will actually watch.Hopefully, it's just PR for "Yeah, I don't like the movie, either." Although he was really yummy (err...good) in "Shattered Glass."

Have you ever gone to the to see the riders for some celebrities? At another forum that I lurk in, I read that Jennifer Lopez once requested all this stuff for a charity video.

The people that "work" with the celebrities you mentioned must be really desperate to get close to fame. The Ja Rule one is funny, though.
on May 26, 2005
The people that "work" with the celebrities you mentioned must be really desperate to get close to fame. The Ja Rule one is funny, though.

I dunno...If someone wants to pay me a living wage to cart perrier around, I'll do it with a smile...AND laugh at their jokes to boot!

This blog has given me some possible inspiration, though...I have a ages old plot to sabotage a "battle of the bands"; I could just as well stage a "mock celebrity" appearance at a nightclub somewhere (lol)
on May 26, 2005

Hayden Christensen is bored with Hollywood and being an actor. Apparently it just doesn’t hold the appeal he thought it would have for him anymore. He said Star Wars might be his last movie. Guess what he plans on doing next? Studying architecture!

I thought Dark overlord was his next gig????????

on May 26, 2005
It doesn't surprise me at all, but I'm still stunned by it. Hollywood stars have always been the most...erm...extravagant but to employ someone to freshen batteries in toys really does beat all.


on May 26, 2005
Haha! Dont know if they're all true, but they make so much money i'm sure they can afford absurd assistants at ridiculous wages!

Hayden Christensen rocks for his decision (unless it's some cheap publicity...)
on May 27, 2005
I may be entourage material!

I think you might just be Gid!

Hayden Christensen is the only eye candy (besides Matt Damon)

Yep, they're both sooo cute!

Have you ever gone to the to see the riders for some celebrities? At another forum that I lurk in, I read that Jennifer Lopez once requested all this stuff for a charity video.

I didnt' go on that site but I've heard about her requests. Oh yea, she even has an assitant who tweaks her boobs er breasts to make them look perky! !

This blog has given me some possible inspiration, though...I have a ages old plot to sabotage a "battle of the bands"; I could just as well stage a "mock celebrity" appearance at a nightclub somewhere (lol)

Good for you! Celebrity sighting, celebrity wait, hey you;re not a celebrity.....get him.....(ok, it's friday and i'm losing it)plus it must be the novacaine from pulling my tooth still in effect!)

I thought Dark overlord was his next gig????????

I dunno. I haven't heard. I'm so out of the loop!

Hollywood stars have always been the most...erm...extravagant but to employ someone to freshen batteries in toys really does beat all.

Yep they are. That one does take the cake though! !

Hayden Christensen rocks for his decision (unless it's some cheap publicity...)

it could very well be....who knows with these people!
on May 27, 2005
I dunno. I haven't heard. I'm so out of the loop!

just Kidding! A play on the fact that Darth Vader was never seen until the last episode, and then he could have been any one!

of Course since JEJ is getting kind of old, I guess Vader has to go! As that is the only recognizable part of the character.
on May 28, 2005
I think his acting has at least improved in Episode 3, still a bit stiff when it came to the emotional scenes.
on May 28, 2005
I won't consider myself "rich" until I can hire someone to sort and store my Legos. With over 10,000 of them, it sometimes takes longer to put them away than make stuff with them! ;~D

Oh, to be Prince Caspian!! ~ Phish
on May 31, 2005
A play on the fact that Darth Vader was never seen until the last episode, and then he could have been any one!

Quite a few actors have played this role though in the past. There's a good write up about Darth Vader and Star Wars in this month's issue of Rolling Stone!

think his acting has at least improved in Episode 3, still a bit stiff when it came to the emotional sce

I haven't seen the new movie yet, but you're right because he was in the last episode.

until I can hire someone to sort and store my Legos. With over 10,000 of them,

Wow Ted, that's a lot of Legos!