So last week before Hurricane Katrina, in between reports of that missing girl (not naming her because she’s not the focus here) and also that woman who was protesting the death of her son in Iraq (I’m not naming her because this thread isn’t about that) there were quite a few discussions on a variety of news programs regarding the President’s vacation and how much time he actually took off.
It made me wonder what is considered vacation time here in America. Did most Americans agree with the how these journalists thought? Some of the people on the panels felt very strongly about it; one even went as far to say that it was a “disgrace” that he was taking so much time off and she felt so “embarrassed”!
First of all I was shocked at her statement, and couldn’t believe she said that. But it made me thought about how we Americans don’t seem to take time off for ourselves or our families unless we really have to.
When growing up I got used to my dad having time off at least two or three times in a given year. Not to mention the legal holidays off. He would take a month off during summer, at least two months off during Christmas and some time off as well in between those. That was the norm to us. Vacation time was family time as well as time to do whatever you want because you didn’t have to worry about work, unless it was an emergency. And my father didn’t own his own business either. Although he did consulting works on his own time, he worked for a major company that still exists in Jamaica today.
I recently talked to my sisters and they get to take a month off too if they so desire or they can break their time into smaller portions. And it’s not a big deal! They are not made to feel guilty about it!
When I first came to the US I was amazed at the pressure people were under, all because of their jobs. And in time I became part of that world too. You couldn’t take a day off or call in sick (legitimately) without feeling like you’ve committed a major faux pax! If you weren’t at your desk you were missing out. Or the supervisor made you feel guilty. It was hard to let go! Especially when I was in a position with lots of responsibilities I had to be on the phone from home or wherever I was checking in to make sure everything was OK. Even though I was never the boss or there was always someone to cover.
Why do we do that to ourselves? It’s a terrible way to be. We spend almost half our time at work, whatever your job is and so we get so caught up in being there and being available if we’re not there.
One reason for this type of behavior is the perceived notion that something will go wrong and you will be the one to blame! And I know that there are actually some companies that are like that too, they will blame you for not being there. Plus some bosses are terrible to work with. Your time is their time no matter what!
In Europe they have Siestas, they close shop and take a break, having dinner with friends or family or doing whatever the feel like doing. I wonder what it would be like if that was done here in the US? Would we all be waiting for the proverbial ball to fall because we DID take time off or would we just relax and let go until it was time to get back?
While I might not be in agreement with all the policies of this administration (or this administration itself,LOL!), I think that the President does deserve to take some time off and if he wants to take a six-week break so what? Doesn’t he have a staff which he delegates to? Wasn’t he on call whenever the need arose?
I do believe we all need to rethink our priorities and pencil in some fun time into our calendars, or diaries, or PDAs or whatever it is being used these days! There’s always time for a little relaxation. It does do a body good!
So stop feeling guilty you guys and take some time off for yourself and especially for your families! Oh, and the President should tell those newshounds to kiss his royal booty because they are beginning to get on my nerve with the way how they present the news these days!