Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
Published on October 26, 2005 By foreverserenity In Current Events
I'm putting this in the Current Events section because once again on JU we're talking about the racial issues and that which keeps dividing all of us, or at least most of us!

I wrote this piece two weeks ago after watching a program on television. I think it may have been 20/20 or 60 Minutes or one such program. It amazed me about these two beautiful young ladies, singers, whose anthem was hate. It moved me strongly into writing this. I wasn't going to post it, especially since I've seen the other blogs written. This might just be taken wrongly but it's what I feel and what I felt pretty strongly after watching the program.

I guess if you're interested you can Google the girls names, Prussian Blue. I didn't bother to do that because I've heard enough about them. What I wouldn't give to be able to have them see the other side of the coin though. Anyway, here's what I wrote.

Random Thoughts

About Hate

Will it ever, ever, ever, ever, ever end?

Prussian Blue…so young and so clueless!

Here I am wondering if it’s really their fault. They were taught to hate to continue the cause.

I also wonder if they will ever see for themselves without the film of hate that surrounds them.

Yet as they get older they continue to spew the same lyrics of hatred, discontentment….they’re so unhappy

With themselves….I pity them.

Yet they wouldn’t want this “mud” to pity them I’m sure…..they sling the word “mud” so freely….it’s the new word they’ve invented for someone who is not White….what a

definition…what a life they lead…they may not want it but I do pity their ignorance.

To hate another race, spewing hatred because of

racial difference

Do they not see how pointless it is? Although the world is not color blind, it’s not as easy as it once was, no matter how hard they try and they are trying….

….them and every other one out there who think this world is for them alone…to exist….who died and made them God!

Around the world today I see and hear…the hatred being spewed by those who say they are the chosen ones, the ones who deserve to be masters of all, their birthrights…yeah right!

Yet they continue to hate those or that which is different

To once again be the ones in control

To shut the doors

To deny the rights

To ignore the “muds”

To spew hatred

Trying to make others feel less than they are

To shun

To scorn

To pillage

To rape

To massacre the newborns

They would if they could

I pity the fools, I pity them

Too bad they don’t see

The ones who are becoming the majority!

So they run far and wide

Trying to get away from the ones they hate so intensely

The dark ones….black like me

Segregating themselves to the extreme

Unable to see…..

If God made us all in his image, isn’t it pointless to hate your fellow human?

on Oct 26, 2005
Pity to those that spew the venom of hate is not enough. Campaigns should be launched to boycott the sponsors of such 'entertainers' s those two lovely twins.... so beautiful and yet so stupid.
Time to let the media know that we don't want to be 'entertained' with hatred... it's gotta stop one day... hopefully soon.
on Oct 26, 2005

If God made us all in his image, isn’t it pointless to hate your fellow human?

How did you get so smart?  America is lucky you chose us, Jamica lost a great lady.

on Oct 27, 2005
Time to let the media know that we don't want to be 'entertained' with hatred... it's gotta stop one day... hopefully soon.

Exactly, how can it be entertainment when there's so much hate? Hopefully it will, we can dream right....

How did you get so smart? America is lucky you chose us, Jamica lost a great lady.

Thanks Doc! It's a pleasure to be here!