Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
Published on November 30, 2005 By foreverserenity In Entertainment
This just in….J.Lo’s gotten herself into a spot…with her credit. Apparently her credit card was maxed out and she couldn’t use it. Seeing how wealthy these people are I wouldn’t think that would be a problem for them.

But I guess with all the big spending these people do that was bound to happen. Here’s an interesting article on what happened and the possibilities of why she ran into a little problem at a recent event she attended.

I know, I know, who cares right? Doesn’t matter much to me either but it’s interesting to see what these celebrities get up to, and makes for some interesting conversations!


on Nov 30, 2005
I suppose celebrities with their huge credit line never think of carrying an additional card!
on Nov 30, 2005
I suppose celebrities with their huge credit line never think of carrying an additional card!

Sometimes they don't walk with any too. I guess it depends on how popular they are as well. Although I've heard some designers and retailers complaining about some of them who won't pay their bills or they always expect to get free stuff. They make tons of money and can't pay for something? Amazing! Some businesses have even gone into rut because they deal specifically with celebrities who haven't penny up. I've got to look for that article and post it too.
on Nov 30, 2005

Actually that is what American Express is for!  No limit, but you have to pay it off every month.  And it costs $45 a year.  nice if you are J-Lo or a Biz.

not for me!

on Dec 01, 2005
Amazing! Some businesses have even gone into rut because they deal specifically with celebrities who haven't penny up.
Yes, they are above such mundane things as tending to their check book.