Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
Published on August 2, 2008 By foreverserenity In Politics

It is amazing to me the way some people think.  They cry that racism is being thrown about by some people (especially blacks), when they themselves are doing the very same thing.  They cry that the only reason why blacks do support Obama, is because he is in fact, black! 


Is there any truth to the fact that blacks do support Obama, yes, there is.  If he is the candidate that they want to support, why shouldn't they support him?  If he is the candidate in the political party they support, is it so wrong to be behind the candidate they believe in?


I guess they should switch party affiliations just because so many don't believe in anything this candidate, Obama, stands for, and what they the people who support the Republican candidate do, and are crying foul, believe in!


Sure, Obama being black is a trump card, he is different, never has this happened before in our country, so why not?!  This would be the reasons why so many of Obama's supporters, support him right?  To coin a phrase, we are like sheep!


Bring me arguments about the state of our country and what is going on in our country, and why there should be changes made so that WE ALL can live a better life and whether are not we have to worry about ALL THAT WE HAVE ALL WORKED SO HARD FOR OVER THE YEARS is all going down the toilet!    


Don't bring me crap shoot arguments whining about the fact that a candidate is Black, and that he loves to bring this information up himself,  and that all he seems to do is say that he is black, when this fact is quite obvious to EVERYONE!  What the freck is the really issue here?  The fact that so many can't get over the fact that he is the one chosen as the candidate to represent the Democratic party, and he happens to be black?


Or, the fact that the American people are tired of the ruling government and all the crap that they have done over the years that has begun to affect our country?  So they want change, and they will have it!  Are you going to be effective in your citizenship and go out there and also let yourself be heard, or are you going to stay out of it just because "Obama will get everyone's vote because HE IS BLACK and White America wants to prove that they are not racist and will also vote for him and that is the only reason why they will vote for him"? 


You who believe such crap are doing a disservice to yourself and to your fellow Americans!  It is bullshit crap like this that makes us all look bad and it is time to get up off of the toilet or take a shit and do or say something more constructive!  Not come at me with crappy arguments that is riddled with holes!


For God's sake wake up people!  Of course we all will notice that Obama is Black, just the same that we all notice that McCain is so much older and looks like a hard wind would blow him over!  Now was that not me being discriminative about McSame...I mean, McCain's age?! [and wans't that me being rude and disrespectful in calling him McSame?!]  We all can do it, we just chose to take the higher road and be respectful!


I am worried about the economy, the fact that gas prices are so high, that the boomerang effects from that has cost jobs, higher prices in the supermarkets, housing slumps all over!  People are out there hanging on to their life and livihood for dear life, and some of you only have stupid arguments to insult our intelligence! 



Comments (Page 5)
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on Aug 09, 2008
This is an excellent point. The way to think of bailouts is a very large welfare program for businesses instead of people. If you are against bailouts then you are against welfare, which is very anti-socialism.

Sophistry! Define terms. It's true "homeownership frenzy begun by Clinton and perfected by Bush was the underlying catalyst. However, it was undermined by the overly ambitious to preempt moderate interest rates with usury.
on Aug 11, 2008
However, it was undermined by the overly ambitious to preempt moderate interest rates with usury.

No, it is yet again the law of supply and demand. No one was charged anything approaching usury. But bad borrowers were charged more, that in that point in time, they thought (or at least the honest ones did) they could pay.

And the reason that bad borrowers are charged more? 2 fold. One is that they have fewer options. Safe lenders would not deal with them. The other is for the very reason we have a housing "crises" (misnomer as it is). They cost the lender a lot more.

The lending "crises" as it is, is actually a great example of putting the costs on the people that incur it, instead of sharing it around to those that have nothing to do with jacking up the prices. It is very anti-socialism, and thus an anathema to many liberals.
on Aug 11, 2008
Sophistry! Define terms. It's true "homeownership frenzy begun by Clinton and perfected by Bush was the underlying catalyst. However, it was undermined by the overly ambitious to preempt moderate interest rates with usury.

Do you or do you not support 'ilk bailouts' that you mentioned?
on Aug 11, 2008

I also have a feeling that no matter what my answers are, no matter if I write something that would present my point, it wouldn't be enough (Leauki) so I won't bother to go down that road.

Actually, I'd be happy with any answer.
on Aug 11, 2008

The good news - almost anyone Obama chooses as VP will have more experience than himself - now that's a plus....right?

on Aug 13, 2008
The good news - almost anyone Obama chooses as VP will have more experience than himself - now that's a plus....right?

Not necessarily:think Cheney.
Do you or do you not support 'ilk bailouts' that you mentioned?

Only if they prevent more homeless. It's one of those necessary evils that must be done to protect the value of homes of those who do make payments on time.
on Aug 14, 2008
Not necessarily:think Cheney.

Cheney had a lot of experience. Both in congress and the Executive Branch.
on Aug 14, 2008

Actually, I'd be happy with any answer.

Me too, but it is a long and lonely and winding road out there!


The good news - almost anyone Obama chooses as VP will have more experience than himself - now that's a plus....right?

Isn't this what a great leader does?

on Aug 15, 2008
Only if they prevent more homeless. It's one of those necessary evils that must be done to protect the value of homes of those who do make payments on time.

Should the gov't provide cars to the unemployed so that they can find a job? What about if the person just over extended themselves like they did with a house? Should the gov't provide a car too?

The argument that these 'bailouts' are preventing more homeless is bogus IMO. I am married and have a decent job. Technically I qualify enough through banks to purchase a home. The reason I haven't? I can't budget for what my payments will be and still survive with bills paid. Instead we are renting and saving up for the time so we can AFFORD a house. The problem with these bailouts are preventing us from being able to purchase a home. This has caused over inflation on the housing market especially in my area. Just last year you could not find an average house for under 250K in my area. This included houses that needed some work to be done on them. Now that these sub-primes are coming mature and banks are foreclosing on houses people had NO business buying in the first place, I am now FINALLY beginning to see price come back within reach.

I'm just an honest man trying to make a living and be SMART with my money by not over extending but you seem to want to bail out those who apply unwisely for risky loans.

on Aug 15, 2008
I'm just an honest man trying to make a living and be SMART with my money by not over extending but you seem to want to bail out those who apply unwisely for risky loans.

Good to hear you are thrifty. But how can you justify bailing out lenders but not borrowers? Not all first time borrowers are as wise as you--they easily get duped.
on Aug 15, 2008

Good to hear you are thrifty. But how can you justify bailing out lenders but not borrowers? Not all first time borrowers are as wise as you--they easily get duped.

I don't think he was justifying the bail out of the lenders.  Bail-outs are bad, plain and simple.  The market needs to correct itself and its needs to do so without the government sticking its nose in.  Will a market correction be painful?  Yes, but it will be faster like pulling off a bandaid really quick, when the government sticks its nose into it it's like pulling that bandaid off one hair at a time by extending the painful period.

The main point to remember when making any major purchase is buyer beware.  Why should I be penalized because someone else made a bad decision?  People being "easily duped" is a cop-out.  I read a story of a woman who was getting a loan to buy a $300K home, she made around $40K/year and when she was in the loan officers office the guy said "Congratulations you now work for me."  He listed her as an employee of his so that he could get her salary up to qualify for the loan.  This should have sent red flags off in anyones head but she let it happen because she wanted the house.  As of the time the article was written (a few months ago) her rates had reset and she couldn't make the payments anymore (the mortgage had jumped up to like 5 grand a month) and she was going to lose the house.  Why should I be penalized because someone made such an obvious mistake like this one?

I don't mind there being a little safety net for people who fall on hard times, like getting laid off and not being able to find work, but to bail people out because they made poor choices just doesn't make sense.

on Aug 18, 2008
Good to hear you are thrifty. But how can you justify bailing out lenders but not borrowers? Not all first time borrowers are as wise as you--they easily get duped.

I don't justify either. I believe it is you that supports 'ilk bailouts as a necessary evil?'

The lenders had their hand forced by the gov't so I don't hold them overly responsible as they had a heavy hand pushing them to offer sub-prime lending. The borrowers sought out to make money in flipping the property,expectations of having more income in the near future, plans of re-financing after a few years (due to credit rating), while the remaining must of been blindly ignorant.

on Aug 18, 2008
I don't mind there being a little safety net for people who fall on hard times, like getting laid off and not being able to find work, but to bail people out because they made poor choices just doesn't make sense.

I'm in agreement. There is a fine line with helping someone who stumbled vs. helping someone who doesn't want to get off the couch.
on Sep 16, 2008

the oil tycoons have made even more profits

Some of us average joes work for those oil tycoons and it's kinda nice to be doing alright for a change. I didn't here you libs crying when oil was $13 a barrel and we were standing in the unemployment line. What goes around comes around.

hussein is going down, mark my words.

on Sep 16, 2008

hussein is going down, mark my words.

Shouldn't that be Bin Laden is going is about dang time he did!  AT the rate that some of you find time to hate, turn the hate on the right people!


Some of us average joes work for those oil tycoons and it's kinda nice to be doing alright for a change. I didn't here you libs crying when oil was $13 a barrel and we were standing in the unemployment line. What goes around comes around.

Good for you that things have turned around!  Perhaps some of those leftys were right behind you hiding in line uh?!



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