I can't imagine going to a church or being a member of a church where they tell you that if you don't tithe, you go straight to hell, or someting like that!
I am aware that there are some churches who do force their members to tithe, I think that is wrong. There are also those out there, who if they don't force memebers to tithe, they dictate how much money their members should give to them. I also think that is wrong.
When I was a regular member at a church, I did tithe, I gave whatever amount I could afford to give, but I was aware of the fact that there was a minimum set and the members that didn't give, weren't look on in a particular nice manner. Yeah, one of the reasons why I no longer go there (even before I move more than 1000 miles away)!
Some people would put giving to their church first before they even pay their bills or they are left without enough to support their family expenses for the month! Does that make sense to you?
I believe that members of a church should contribute money, if they can afford to, and when they can afford, to the causes of the church. That goes without saying. But to be forced to give money just becasuse, no way!
I think each church organization have a responsibility to its members to make sure that they don't feel pressured into giving what they can't afford. They also should be responsible to make members aware of what they as a church community or doing and what their money is being used for.