Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
Published on September 15, 2005 By foreverserenity In Religion
What is it about God that Atheists fear so much? Because some will be quick to say an Atheist doesn’t hate, then it must be fear. A fear of God. What makes an Atheist an Atheist? I don’t really know the answer to that question. And I’m sure some of you will enlighten me. I welcome the responses. But I wonder what does being an Atheist really means? Is it someone who goes around and look for everything and anything that represents God and make a big fuss about it because his rights are being trampled on just because of God? Truthfully I don’t get it.

A lot of people like to say (or think) that Christians make a lot of noise about everything. Truthfully, there are some that do, there are after all fanatics that are out there. And to me, they too are like the Atheists. Because somehow in their endeavor to prove how right they are and how wrong everyone else is, they will end up trampling all over the rights and freedom of others around them.

It doesn’t really matter to me that the Atheist doesn’t believe in God or any other form of Gods for that matter. It doesn’t really matter to me that the Atheist rejects the concept of or the existence of or finds no reason to believe in the fact that there is a God. It does matter to me however, that the Atheist will try to trample on my rights and try to prevent the singing of a song, reciting a poem or reading a book just because they mention God.

If they so detest the thought that God exists then remove yourself from that which offends you so much. Don’t try to have the laws of the lands changed just so that you can feel empowered. Everyone has rights, everyone has the freedom to do what they want, that’s a given. Don’t trample all over mine just because we don’t see things the same way.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Sep 16, 2005
'What is it about God that Atheists fear so much?'
Er, I think you've got this the wrong way round, foreverserenity. To quote just one of several similar quotes from the Bible:
'That all the people of the earth might know the hand of the LORD, that it is mighty: that ye might fear the LORD your God for ever.' (Joshua 4:24.)

So it is BELIEVERS who fear God, not atheists. I don't believe in the existence of God, so how can I fear him? As dharmagrl says, 'You can't fear something you don't believe in.'

(That said, I do believe in the existence of people who believe in God. And some of them - not all by any means, just SOME - are pretty scary in my book!)
on Sep 17, 2005
I have never read such panzy ass crap in my recent life.
First of all, how can you be an atheist and fear God? Did that require any real thought, or was it rambling?

Atheist means no belief in god, how can you fear what you don't believe. How do you put that together in your mind. "Oh, since theres a God and atheist "deny" God so atheist fear God".

Shit how about "Oh, since there is not God, we got these people running around believing in this non-existent being, what other things may they believe in that could harm us atheist"?

Secondly what atheist fear, is people, not God. People that believe in God and fear for those people that hate atheist. Ever hear of the crusades?

Please think about what your saying from point of view before being totally nonsensical.
on Sep 17, 2005
foxjazz: No need to be such a jerk. ForeverSerenity is a sweet, sincere person. If you had read any of her previous postings you would know this. There's no doubt in my mind that she posted this blog in the spirit of seeking understanding (and perhaps a bit of frustration at the recent ruling) rather than one of divisive rambling.
on Sep 17, 2005
I've never heard of a quiet atheist.

That's because they’re quiet. I think most atheists are happy to let theists get on with their beliefs, without imposing their views. Loud, arrogant atheists can be more noticeable than quiet atheists, just as loud, arrogant Christians can be more noticeable than quiet Christians. But quiet atheists and quiet Christians will normally remain quiet. Atheists do what they do because they do what they do.

We all have different points of view, and our views about deeper issues of existence differ because we’re all at different stages of spiritual growth. Most atheists will remain an atheist throughout the duration of their life because that’s 'where they’re at' in their journey. The journey carries on throughout many other lifetimes, however, (in my view), and the more lifetimes we live the more we grow spiritually, and the more our views and perspectives change until we get a good picture of the way things really are. Theism is more on the ball than atheism, in my view.
on Sep 17, 2005
If I SAW God tomorrow . . . then I would throw myself on his mercy. . . . However - I do not think that is going to happen.

As we grow spiritually, our inner-eyes begin to open. We become "awake", to coin an Eastern phrase, (or "born again", to coin a fundie phrase). We begin to see that life is beautiful and that there’s no such thing as death. As we learn that there’s deeper purpose to life, and that life is eternal, we basically begin to see God, albeit via an inner sense. Over a period of time, (which can span over many lifetimes), our inner-sense blossoms, not unlike a flower blossoms, until we see God - and life's purpose - as clear as day.
on Sep 17, 2005

This whole thing could be just as easily turned around as "Why do Christians fear science?"  Which of course, most don't.

I could care less whether someone believes in God or not.  I only care when they try to shove their religion down my throat such as trying to teach creationism in the class room or trying to have teachers lead the class in prayer and such things (I support a moment of silence).

on Sep 17, 2005
Being that he/she has been taught by the parents from they are young about what the parents believed, if he/she still is pretty young, are they old enough to make that decision as to why they are not to say the Pledge or the words? Probably not if that child is too young to fully grasp it all.

Actually, that's not necessarily the case. My daughter is a staunch Athiest/Agnostic, despite our having raised her in an atmosphere of open-mindedness. She refuses to say the words 'under God' and has run into some trouble at school for doing so. My youngest believes wholeheartedly in god, so has no issue including those words in the recitation.

Some kids actually have minds of their own, y'know....and they aren't afraid to express them.
on Sep 17, 2005
The religious child carries his faith with him everywhere he goes.

So true.

Despite my lack of belief in a god, my children profess faith in God and I encourage them to explore and practice their own faith. If it's something they believe in and it can be a constructive force in their lives, then it would be tragic for me to trample that.

You're a great mom, TW. I think this is a wonderful perspective!

I think most atheists are actualy agnostic...

The difference being that an atheist doesn't believe in God, and an agnostic isn't sure? Is that right?

By internal resources, I mean that I live my life to be good to the people around me without needing god to act as a middle man. There's one less step, and thus being good is more instinctive to me because I do it for the sake of being good, not for fear of going to hell.

Speaking as a Christian, I don't try to be good for fear of going to hell, or for fear of what God will do to me if I don't. My salvation rests in absolutely nothing that I do... it's only by the grace of God that I have eternal life. Does having God in my life help me to be a better person? I hope so in the fact that as He lives in me, I operate within the power of His Holy Spirit and am being transformed to be more like Christ. I think of it like this:

Mike and Sam are passing an apple orchard that Sam's father owns. Mike suggests that the two jump the fence and take some apples, even though Sam's father has explicitly told them to stay out of the orchard. Sam doesn't want to. Mike tells Sam, "You're just afraid of what your father will do to you if we get caught." Sam replies, "No. I'm not afraid of punishment... but disobeying my father like that would break his heart. I don't want to disappoint him."

That's how I feel about obedience. I don't do it because I fear the wrath of hell... or the hands of an angry God. I obey (to the best of my ability) because I want to please my Father.

I've worshipped with people who are Pentecostal, Baptists, Anglican, Seventh Day Adventist, Catholic, Church of Christ, Church of God; although all are of the same faith, everyone thinks differently.

I'd be willing to bet you would find people within each of those groups that don't consider that they are all of the same faith. They may all believe in a generic "God", but aside from that, some of those denominations have very little in common.

I'm a child of his and so are all of you.

How can you be a child of someone you don't believe in? Forgive me. My Calvinist roots are showing. *s*

A Good Christian is someone who follows the teachings of Christ, and leads a good life, providing for others a living breathing example of God's love and majesty. This tends to however fly in the face of what churches try to pull off. A Church is the political spin wrapped around a faith. You don't need a church to be a Christian or know God... Many confuse going to church with being a Christian.

So true, Zoomba. That said, the Bible still states to "forsake not the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching." (Heb. 10:25)

So it is BELIEVERS who fear God, not atheists.

Different kind of fear, though. The Hebrew word is "yare'" and it really means to revere. Not shaking in your boots fear... but rather respect. Here's my anagram...

F - faithfully
E - expressing
A - awesome
R - reverence
on Sep 17, 2005
I can be such a jerk, because all of this is OLD news for me. Maybe it snew for foreverserenity, but not for me.

People should care about what others believe. Especially Christians, that is why they can be dangerous. Doesn't the Bible say "Recruit recruit recruit?" Spread the "good news".
Christians by definition care what others thing, otherwise they are "quiet hypocrits".

Atheist don't have to give a shit about anything when it comes to God beliefs, cause it isn't necessary to be happy or have a good life.

Or better yet, read George H. Smith on Atheism. At least its honest.

The reason there is so many arguments about religion is the use of Faith.

We "critical thinkers" the type of atheist that has honor have reverence for Integrity. We have reverence for Science, we have reverence for many things and values in truth.

I was Christian once, and I tell you this. During that time in my life, I was lost. Just plain lost person thinking I am found.
Teaching about the bible and concepts of God is probably a good thing. Provided their taught in a class that uses Logic and Reason.
Teaching about the Bible in schools is a good thing, provided it's taught in a reasonable context. Which may be offensive to many Christians.
Every read the "Jesus Mysteries"?

Look what Religion did to the twin towers. Yes religion did that, doesn't mater what type.

Good luck with that:


on Sep 17, 2005
HC wrote:""" A Good Christian is someone who follows the teachings of Christ, and leads a good life, providing for others a living breathing example of God's love and majesty. This tends to however fly in the face of what churches try to pull off. A Church is the political spin wrapped around a faith. You don't need a church to be a Christian or know God... Many confuse going to church with being a Christian. """"

Let me tell you, its human nature to condem. Even as a "Good Christian" thumbs his nose and condemns others that don't believe the same.
I have seen it time and time again. There is not one Christian that doen't Judge. Never seen a one.
on Sep 17, 2005
FEAR. This is why the english language is so messed up.

1 To be afraid or frightened of.
2 To be uneasy or apprehensive about: feared the test results.
3 To be in awe of; revere.

Now if your going to use the English language to say Be in Awe of "just say it". Don't make it something it's not.
Fear is most common in the 1st definition which is by far far away from number 3.

So please when you write something be very clear what you mean. And it still makes no sense to fear something that aint' there.
Whether it be definition 1, 2 or 3.

on Sep 17, 2005
I categorize "those" types as antitheists, not atheists, because I personally have known many atheists over my lifetime, and the vast majority have no problem with my expression of religion in my personal life. Weddings, reunions, barbeques, etc, that I have hosted have been places where most have willingly bowed their heads with the rest of us, even though they didn't echo our sentiments.

But, you see, such understanding must be mutual. When I am at events hosted by THEM, if I pray before a meal, I do so silently and relatively inconspicuously. They deserve the same level of respect that I do.

I believe that many (not ALL; some are just A**HOLES!) antitheist reactions are responses to a lifetime of experiencing people of various religious persuasions who do NOT practice such mutual respect. I could be wrong on this, but it seems to be the case, in my experience, at least.
on Sep 17, 2005
and a fanatical devotion to the pope!

"an ALMOST fanatical devotion to the pope!"

Forty lashes for misquoting Monty Python!
on Sep 17, 2005
HC wrote:""" A Good Christian is someone who follows the teachings of Christ, and leads a good life, providing for others a living breathing example of God's love and majesty. This tends to however fly in the face of what churches try to pull off. A Church is the political spin wrapped around a faith. You don't need a church to be a Christian or know God... Many confuse going to church with being a Christian. """"

Actually... HC didn't write that. She quoted it.
on Sep 18, 2005
An atheist depends ironically on God's existence. If indeed God did not exist then neither would the atheist, for there would be nothing to be against.
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