Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
foreverserenity's Articles In Sports & Leisure
February 5, 2009 by foreverserenity
I heard the news about Michael Phelps being caught with a bong, saw the picture, didn't think about it too much but knew that for him, his life as he knows it will be over, for some time any way. He has gotten caught in that spiral that will spin out of control just like it has for other star athletes who have gotten caught having too much fun., or in other words, getting high.  While I'm not a fan of getting high, I can understand why people do it.  Heck, I've drank a few a...
May 16, 2005 by foreverserenity
Given my previous article on drug abuse by some athletes ( Link ) has gotten me thinking about this. What is the worst thing an athlete can do? Would it be cheating, like drug enhancement abuse? Gambling on his teams or opponents? That would also be cheating, right? Not playing to his full potential, i.e. quitting before the game even begins? I guess now that we’re thinking about athletes and their games. Why stop there? What about a regular person not involved in sports? Wha...
May 16, 2005 by foreverserenity
(I decided to change the title) I was watching television the other day, Real Sports with Bryant Gumble . I’m not an obsessed fan of any sports. Although I love Football (what some Americans refer to as Soccer), I also love Volleyball, and sometimes I’ll watch a basketball game. My favorite sport now that I’m thinking about it really is Track and Field, oh yeah, I enjoy Tennis too. Anyway, sometimes I tune in to Bryant Gumble’s or Bob Costas’ HBO programs to hear their spin on things a...