Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
foreverserenity's Articles In Business
February 7, 2009 by foreverserenity
Matching skirt and jacket. Shoe heels no more than two inches; there must be some heel, but no higher than the specified two inches. Look professional not fashionable! Your shoes MUST be the same color of your skirt No ankle chains. No over stuffed handbags. No overload of rings and     8.   definitely no double pierced ears!!! oh and      9.   Absolutely no WHITE Heels!   So said t...
January 14, 2008 by foreverserenity
Rachel Zupek of wrote an article entitled "13 Things not to Share with your Co-Workers" . After reading it I must say she makes some very good points. I also realise how much of what she says does go on in and around offices I've worked in over the years. Let's face it, for many of us wherever we work, you're there for a big chunk of your life. Do you realise that we spend most of our time with our co-workers? That's 40-60 or more hours per week, five tim...
December 11, 2007 by foreverserenity
I have a question for you JUsers. An acquaintance of mine (I haven't known her very long) does this as a business. She told me about it, I decided to sign up with her to have it as a insurance, which is what it is if you think about it! I have heard about the prepaid legal service before, where you can call an 800 number and have the service of a lawyer on any issue. I also thought it would be useful to have. My hubby doesn't think it's a good idea. To him it's money coming from our a...