Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
foreverserenity's Articles In Current Events » Page 4
March 29, 2008 by foreverserenity
I know what you're thinking!  Here we go again, another cockamamie crap about saving the Earth!  You're getting sick and tired of these do-gooders-environmentalist-global warming creepos-wannabees telling you what to do again! I know, irritating isn't it?!  But think about it this way....somehow, someway what they are saying must be a ring of truth to it?  So many people from all over the world are talking about something to do with the changes our Earth is and has been...
May 14, 2007 by foreverserenity
I've heard several stories, of people being sought by the government, at work, their homes, wherever they were supposed to be, arrested and unceremoniously booted out of the United States back to the countries of their birth. Even those people who have been here for more than ten years, with no criminal records, living an honest life, most times they are married to US citizens and awaiting their turn to be accepted legally into the country. When I heard some of these stories, my thought...
December 11, 2006 by foreverserenity
The Port of Seattle has removed all of it's Christmas trees from all of it's port because of a Jewish Leader's protest that they are offensive. I don't get it. I'm sure the kids don't understand why either, but it's a darn shame for them to let the few spoil it for the other thousands who do enjoy Christmas trees! The Port's authorities have had the trees up and decorated for more than 25 years, now the trees are a big problem. Tsk, tsk. They should have at least waited til t...
October 20, 2006 by foreverserenity
What happened today is a little too close to home for comfort. We’re still in shock and unable to get over it. A 15 year old student was killed by another student today at my daughter’s high school. It’s hard to describe the feeling that’s been coursing through me since we found out. My hubby got a call to come right away to pick her up because someone got hurt at school. Little did we know the story, and what unfolded sends chills up and down my spine whenever I think about it. ...
May 8, 2006 by foreverserenity
Let me preface this writing by saying I don't agree with anyone who cheats, lie, or does anything that is wrong and against the law. I too, like Gid mentioned in his article, Link , teach my children the principles of what it is to be good and not do wrong things. I explain the why nots, and the responsibilities they have to themselves first, and to society next. I have however lied before. Yes I have, told a white lie, and that's being honest. That does also make me a hypocrite o...
December 7, 2005 by foreverserenity
In one of my previous “Ramblings” blog I mentioned that some people wanted to do away with Christmas and wondered why they don’t just go to a deserted island somewhere until the season is over. I just read an article on, Link , that even the President is caught in this snafu because of a greeting card he sent to many friends and others that said “Happy Holidays” and not “Merry Christmas”. I’m all for celebrating Christmas for what it really is, celebrating the birth of C...
November 1, 2005 by foreverserenity
Once again someone's life is in jeopardy because of the ruling handed down by a judge who just didn't give a damn! Yvette Cade was set on fire by her husband. She is now fighting for her life! Ms. Cade went to the Courts to extend an Order of Protection she had against her abusive husband. She wanted Judge Richard Palumbo to even grant her a divorce but he wouldn’t. I heard the tape on television this morning and he wasn’t even considerate to her, he sounded really condescending! ...
October 3, 2005 by foreverserenity
During the recent confirmation hearings of Judge John Roberts, a terminology that stuck out and kept coming up was “strict constructionism” , so much so it was referred to in an article written by Rich Smith , who writes Investment articles for . Jeffrey Nesteruk also wrote a recent article in the Chronicle of Higher Education (September 16, 2005 issue) about “The Limits of Law as a Moral Arbiter”. He said some very interesting things in his article that left me t...
April 4, 2005 by foreverserenity
On Sunday morning I got up and made breakfast as usual, and I went into the bedroom to ask my husband a question about cooking. He was watching the news and they were talking about phedophiles and mentioning the recent crimes of a few. They were also talking about whether these men deserve a second chance or being locked away for ever. Then he told me that yesterday while we were in Wal-Mart, he went to check on our 10 year old, who loves to go to the toy section to look at toys and also...