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foreverserenity's Articles In TV Shows
February 25, 2008 by foreverserenity
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
January 15, 2008 by foreverserenity
I had no clue American Idol would be back tonight! Of course I watch TV, but I've been stuck on basic cable a lot and missed the promos! It was interesting and I've found three who I already like and hope they make it to the top 10. Don't ask me for names, I wouldn't be able to tell you! But it was the auditions in the city of Philadelphia, a 25 year old who has a daughter with Rett's syndrome, a guy who you wouldn't think had such a great voice and a 23 year old who was the last to au...
December 11, 2007 by foreverserenity
I didn't sit and watch the entire show last night. In fact, I haven't really kept up with the show because the novelty of it has worn off (for me, although it is a great show!) since it first aired. However, if it 's on when I'm channel surfing I'll sit for a bit and watch whomever is on trying to win money. I have just one question about some of these people? What the fuck is wrong with them? Why would you, especially if you don't see or hold say $65,000 or say $100,000 in your hand ...
October 3, 2007 by foreverserenity
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
September 25, 2007 by foreverserenity
Whooo....I just watched, well, an hour ago, Dancing with the Stars, the Men round and there are some really good prospects this season! I really wasn't looking forward to this season's competition, when I heard the names, I wasn't even impressed. The women, whose dancing I didn't watch last night (I was engrossed in Heroes and that new Chuck the nerd-spy, show on NBC), but I did catch the tail-end of it and watched the former Spice Girl, Mel B danced, she wasn't so bad either! The men'...
July 6, 2007 by foreverserenity
Have any of you seen this new reality show on the History channel? It's about a group of truckers who travel from and to Yellowknife, Canada to deliver much needed supplies and equipment to places where there are hardly any roads at all and who depend on these truckers who risk their lives to make the deliveries. Watching this program the first time got me thinking about Mason and what he does too, I even wondered if he would do something like this? The roads traveled are made up of ...
March 30, 2007 by foreverserenity
Does it really, really matter if he does win America? I mean I hear stories of how the show will be a farce and how some of you won’t ever watch AI again? Seriously? Don’t you have anything else to do than to bemoan what is happening? I’ve even heard that some people are saying that what’s going on is deliberate because of ratings. Well they are getting even more ratings than ever before! But whose fault is this little debacle really? Wouldn’t that be you America? Yes, YO...
March 28, 2007 by foreverserenity
I haven't been tuning in to America's Next Top Model too much this year. I've gotten over the novelty of it and I hate the fact that seeminly the skinnier you are the more chance you have of winning! This year I did watch the first episode because I knew of one of the models from another friend, through another friend, you know how that goes. So I had to tune in to see how she was doing. She's still there, and doing well I might add! I must say that I don't agree with America's Top Mod...
November 15, 2006 by foreverserenity
I haven't read anyone blogging on this (I can't remember) and I wondered if any of you have been watching Dancing with the Stars this season? Can you believe how exciting it has been this time around?! Emmitt Smith, the big guy, has turned into quite the dancer! Who knew he had it in him! Mario Lopez is fantastic! I really am not sure who I want to win more because I love them both and think they are both really good! I like Emmitt for his personality and because he makes it look so...
November 5, 2006 by foreverserenity
I’ve been sitting around, ok maybe not sitting around, but I’ve been waiting for NBC to bring back Surface to its programming. I’ve been at the edge of my seat awaiting the next season especially since the Season Finale was so intense. I love this show, really I do. It had the combination of mystery, weird happenings, unknown creatures and really endearing characters that you became attached to. I especially loved Miles Bennet , played by the actor Carter Jenkins who was so co...
September 14, 2006 by foreverserenity
I've been hearing the buzz about the next installment of Survivor and it's rather heated, already. The producers have decided that they will have four ethnic groups of all Blacks, all Whites, all Asians and all Hispanics/Latinos. The contestants didn't know this was how it was going down this time around until the night before actual filming. I can't imagine anyone getting that far and wanting to walk away just because the producers decided to pit them against each other in this manner....
April 21, 2006 by foreverserenity
There are a few new programs I like on television from last season. Grey’s Anatomy is one of them. This is one hot, sizzling series! I really enjoy watching it every week. The cast is really funny and great at what they do, acting like doctors. The interns get into so much trouble or maybe that should read sticky situations! I laugh wit them, I feel their pains. The writing on this series is really good. Its’ an hour that keeps you on your toes. One recent plot was a guy with a...
April 21, 2006 by foreverserenity
I was watching the E network sometime ago and they did a program about “Chick Flicks”. It got me laughing and brought me back to remember my favourite one – Pretty Woman. How can you tell a film as a “Chick Flick”? If you had to drag your husband or boyfriend to see it is top of my list! When I turn to one of these romantic comedy/drama on the television he groans and complains. Why do we have to watch that? Haven’t you seen it too many times already? It doesn’t matter how much h...
September 23, 2005 by foreverserenity
Has anyone watched the premier of CSI? It was fantastic as usual. I’m a meat lover and all but man if I was eating at the time while watching this show, I most certainly would have hurled! They don’t hesitate to show you the decomposing bodies or to let you see what they’re doing! Thank God I have a strong stomach! Just the sight is enough to make me gag! I guess that’s why it’s such a popular show. And even all the spin offs have become pretty popular too. Anyone who missed the...
August 1, 2005 by foreverserenity
Has anyone seen last night’s episode? No one here in my office watches this show and I’ve not seen it on the forums and I have no one to talk about it. So anyone out there who watches this show? Last night’s episode was unbelievable! Nate is dead! Dead! I can’t believe they killed his character. I never heard anything about that. But then I haven’t read the TV Gal’s webpage in a while so I’m out of the loop. Who would have guessed that they would make a switch like that? I sa...