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foreverserenity's Articles In Entertainment » Page 2
October 15, 2007 by foreverserenity
Have you seen those new commercials from They have me in stitches every time I watch one. The latest is one where the workers are decked out in office paraphemalia, that is, binders on the head, papers on wrists, plastic bubble wrap, computer accessories, don't ask, they just are decked out ready to do battle! One guy all decked out in post it notes does the battle cry and then they are all going at each other, fighting for whatever, first place, best project, in e...
October 2, 2007 by foreverserenity
I must say that despite all that I've been hearing in the news, on the television programs and seeing on the Internet, even indirectly (because after a while I got sick of that mess) I felt bad for Briney Spears when I heard that she lost custody of her children, no mother wants that to ever happen no matter what. In the case of Britney however, her life had become such a debacle, we all saw this coming and I wonder if she didn't? She lost her kids because she didn't follow the instructio...
September 9, 2007 by foreverserenity
I logged on to my computer the other day and the usual things came up, email box, Google sign in, that Weather thingy, MSN log on…on MSN there was a little pop up box that had this question, “Who Will Hef Marry?” Bridget, Holly or Kendra? I look at this and I said to myself, who really cares? Do I really want to know or even speculate? No! Why do these news people think that Joe public really cares about some of these celebrities enough to make it an issue? There are some celebrities...
January 24, 2007 by foreverserenity
I've been watching American Idol auditions since last week and man I'm telling you, it's a riot! I know Jamie Burnside Link blogs about the show every season. Not to steal your thunder Jamie, but there's one thing I notice this season that I had to blog about. Yes, the judges Simon, Paula and Randy have found some good singers who seem promising. But the one thing that's more pervasive than ever this season is the begging! They beg, they plead, they ask to sing one more song, to b...
December 4, 2006 by foreverserenity
There are more important things going on in our world today, I know that. There are better things to talk about than another silly celebrity that gets into trouble or do or say something stupid. Yeah, I know that too. However, there are just somethings that you can't ignore and this is one of them. Gywneth Paltrow, award winning actress gave an interview to a Portuguese magazine. This is a quote from what she said to the interviewer: " I like living here [the UK] because I don't fi...
November 29, 2006 by foreverserenity
I have friends who enjoy watching the different cooking shows on television and we often get into discussions about the different shows and the chefs who are featured. One of my friends often express his dislike of Bobby Flay which I never understood. I of course didn't because I only saw Flay in passing (channel surfing) and never really cared too much for his shows. I've sat and viewed them time and again, but it just didn't appeal to me. The most I've ever watched Flay was on Iron Chef...
November 13, 2006 by foreverserenity
There are people that you don't know personally but you do know them. You know them because you see them in the news, on television, buy their CDs, listen to their news report or their music. You admire the person they are, their personality, their public persona. They become a part of your life because you know you can listen to them and trust that they are giving you information that is solid and worthwhile for you to know; you are listening to their music and you love the way they ...
August 24, 2006 by foreverserenity
So all over the news this morning, Tom Cruise lost his contract with Paramount Studios. That’s if you even care. Hahaha….I really don’t care either! But I’m writing about it because IT WAS ALL OVER THE TV News this morning! He’s going to bounce back despite what people might say or think. So he jumped all over Oprah’s couch and behaved like a Looney tune, so what, the guy was in love at the time. (I don’t know about now) If he wants to act and look crazy just let him, it’s a fr...
February 8, 2006 by foreverserenity
Oh No they didn't! Talk about weird, weird, weird! I saw on the entertainment news that Liza Mineli’s ex husband, David Gest is now more than friendly with rapper Da Brat?! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!!!!!! I’ve always thought he not only looked weird and that he got involved with Liza for the money and “five minutes of fame”. Now to be linked to someone such as Da Brat who happens to be as weird as rappers come too? She’s calm down a bit since her earlier years as a rapper. But David G...
November 30, 2005 by foreverserenity
This just in….J.Lo’s gotten herself into a spot…with her credit. Apparently her credit card was maxed out and she couldn’t use it. Seeing how wealthy these people are I wouldn’t think that would be a problem for them. But I guess with all the big spending these people do that was bound to happen. Here’s an interesting article on what happened and the possibilities of why she ran into a little problem at a recent event she attended. I know, I know, who cares right? Doesn’t matter much ...
October 12, 2005 by foreverserenity
Daniel Craig is the new James Bond, according to the British newspapers. Another shocker, he's blonde. The first blonde to be a 007. First of all I didn't even hear his name mentioned as being considered for the role of James Bond. I wrote about my favorite Bond in an article some time ago. The popular choice (by some JUsers) for the role from the four names that was being considered was Clive Owens. Here's a link to that article. Link Here's an excerpt about Daniel Craig: ___...
August 18, 2005 by foreverserenity
I was just reading an article about Pierce Brosnan, the current, er make that the most recent actor to play James Bond. He's been released from the role just as all the other actors before him...Roger Moore, Sean Connery, and that other guy.....Timothy Dalton...sorry he didn't even last that long as a Bond. I know there was one other before Roger Moore...George Lazenby, but Roger Moore is where my memories of James Bond started! I've also been recently watching James Bond re-runs on Chan...
May 26, 2005 by foreverserenity
Apparently being a celebrity today means you will have an entourage and you will have people doing the most mundane and ridiculous things for you. Being an assistant to a celebrity doesn't necessarily means that you’re going to respond to fan mail or set up appointments for the hair salon or even go to lunch with friends. According to Stuff Magazine these assistants are assigned special tasks: A “petite Colombian” follows Mariah Carey around and her duties include keeping the d...
April 26, 2005 by foreverserenity
I heard on Good Morning America this morning that movies are being “sanitized”. Yep, sanitized, i.e., cleaned up by a company who deletes all and any questionable movie scenes with sex and/or violence. So, even exposed skin, like a woman changing her shirt gets deleted so that the movie will be family-friendly so that consumers who object to sex, cursing and violence in movies can watch them with their children. I thought the movie industry already did this with movie ratings. You know...
March 16, 2005 by foreverserenity
The Fantastic Four and Batman Begins are two new flicks coming this summer. I'm looking forward to them because I have always loved both these series. Especially the Fantastics! My favourite character is the Thing. Michael Chiklis will be playing that role in the movie. Batman movies I think, always seems to get a bad rap. People never seem to like them. I know the comics are better, but putting these comics on screen is really good. Like Xmen and Superman, I always enjoy them. ...