Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
foreverserenity's Articles In Health & Medicine
September 23, 2004 by foreverserenity
My tooth is acting up again. I limped home yesterday evening, took two pain killers and flopped into bed yelling at the kids, please don't bother me tonight I'm on the injury list. My husband called from work a couple of times (he's on the night shift), trying to lend support giving me his remedies and telling me what I need to do. All I want is to be left alone - dammit! I told him quite nicely, I'm just going to lay down for a while. The pain woke me up again at 4am so now i'm going t...
September 29, 2004 by foreverserenity
I just returned from the dentist's office. What a collosol waste of time! If there was ever a profession that need overhauling, this would be it! I went in the hope of getting my tooth taken care of. As you know, I have a tooth ache from a loss filling and it's been giving me hell. Anyhows, I was so happy my dentist (this is actually my first time seeing him too) could see me today. I was early for the appointment, at least I got there 10mins early. Waited for 15-20mins then was calle...
November 29, 2004 by foreverserenity
While away I saw a news report about pharmacists who are refusing to fill certain prescriptions because of their religious beliefs?!! OK, so I go to the pharmacy to fill my prescription for birth control pill or the morning after pill and I'm going to be refused because the pharmacist doesn't beleive in birth control or abortion? What is wrong with this picture? Actually, let me rephrase that. Doesn't anyone see something wrong with this? My spin on this is that if you are a pharmacist...
February 9, 2005 by foreverserenity
There has been a persistent murmur about deodorant and antiperspirant that one of them or both causes cancer. I’ve been hearing this for sometime now. I’ve ignored it but it keeps coming back and it makes me wonder, is this something I need to worry about? Earlier today I was reading responses to a blog thread by Greywar or Gideon, forgive me guys, now, let me stop to see whose it was….it was Gideon’s (see link below), fellow JUser, Kobrano responded and one of the things he menti...
February 17, 2005 by foreverserenity
I feel... tired, old, worn out, hungry, hot, cold, bothered miserable, I want my mommy.... I feel achy, weak, limp, listless I know they're words with the same meanings but I really don't care.... It's been a while since I've been sick with the flu or is it the cold? I have no idea, but a bug is going around, and I've caught it My baby had it, she caught it from her brother I caught it from her because she kept slobbering kisses all over my face And insisted that I eat from her...
February 25, 2005 by foreverserenity
I'm still sick. Not as badly as last week, but I'm still not a hundred percent yet. That's partly my fault though cause I've not gone out to get my vitamins yet. But I will do so this weekend. In the meantime, people around me are dropping life flies! It's been a skeleton staff this week. some people here have been out for two, now three to four days. The Flu does not discriminate! It doesn't care who you are, how fit you are or even if you did everything under the sun to protect yo...
March 15, 2005 by foreverserenity
Hi Everyone! I wanted to create a blogsite where I can focus mainly about working out, weight loss and anything in between. Basically, the road to wellness and serenity! When the New Year started, I made a decision to not be a couch potato anymore. That is, I will no longer sit by and let things happen to me, my body, my kids, my life. I will no longer just sit and whine (except for a few rants here and there!) and not focus on my goals anymore. Let’s face it; life happens to ...
March 15, 2005 by foreverserenity
A couple of months ago, I read an article written by Dianne Holes in the Health on Parade section of our local paper where she says you can think yourself thin. She said the focus of dieting shouldn’t be on the belly, apparently where most of the fat is, but rather the brain. You can think yourself thin with affirmations. The brain is a powerful tool that can make you believe whatever you want to. So by being positive and repeating affirmations to yourself, you can actually think your...
March 10, 2005 by foreverserenity
I feel like a bad mommy. Bad in the sense that I let my 3 year old down. Very, very bad. I'm not crying yet, but I'm really angry at myself. I finally got her to a dentist this morning. I knew it would not be good news because of the problems with her teeth, big problems. I knew this going in because we gave in to her too much when she wanted to have her bottle in bed. Yes, I said bottle in bed. So now you know what I'm talking about. She has what is commonly called "bottle mouth". ...
March 17, 2005 by foreverserenity
So I've started exercising again! This time I plan and I hope and my goal is to stick with it. Because as I said, I want this for me. I want this to be a regular part of my life. I also find that working out gives me so much more energy and makes me a lot more alert. And less tired too. This week I've gotten up earlier, got a lot done. I'm less anxious and am able to deal more reasonable with things that gets thrown at me. My toddler loves to work out with me too. Sometimes it's...
February 28, 2007 by foreverserenity
I've heard that this can happen but never actually heard anyone dying from their tooth being infected. I know it affects the health and that's why it is so important to have dental care. But for so many who have nothing, it is such a horrible situation! It's horrible that in our country there has to be a choice between deciding whether to eat or go to the doctor, or get your health taken care of . Some people are likely to blame the mother as to why her child die. From what I've r...
February 25, 2007 by foreverserenity many times.......nose dripping....frustrating.........sniff, sniff....blow...wipe.....{like you really needed to read that uh?!} Eyes are swollen, itchy, red.....rub...rub...rub....til they hurt...hurt...hurt! head hurts! I can barely open my eyes and the sun is coming through my window...glaring at me.....wondering what I"m doing at the computer instead of being out in the sunshine! Allergies.....that's why!!! The SOB is back and it's gott...
January 24, 2007 by foreverserenity
Binge computing.....that's when you sit in front of your computer for hours on end, without moving, without physical activities. Who amongst us can say they are not guilty of this? I can honestly say that I have done it, time and again. Just sit there at my desk, at work or home, my eyes glued to the computer screen. That is not good at all. At home my hubby would get on my case, or the kids, cause they do it too, telling us how bad just sitting in one position for more than three hours ...
December 11, 2006 by foreverserenity
I had a big smile on my face when I saw this ABC News Good Morning America video report! The foundation of Christopher Reeve and his wife Dana, are making great progress in helping people with spinal chord injury walk again. This video showed the story of a little boy, Chase and also a lady (I forgot her name), who are both walking because of the help they have received from the Reeves foundation. They both didn't live long enough to see this, but I'm sure they would be absolutely ha...
December 2, 2006 by foreverserenity
I did the required blood work on Monday. It seemed so long ago that I went for my physical but it was two or three weeks prior to that. I got the call from my doctor that everything was ok! I was glad to hear that the fear I had about being diabetic was for naught. Just because my dad had it doesn’t mean I have to as long as I take good care of myself. My thyroid is fine which good news it is to hear too. At my age you hope to hear that your body is not as bad as you think it is! ...