My seven year old has Strep throat. She was diagnosed at the doctor's today. Her fever is very high, I hate that part because it is difficult to keep this under full control. One minute after taking the Tylenol, it wanes, next she's very hot all over again. She'll be home for two days, and so will I. I hate when they get sick.
I recently had a tetanus shot given to me during my recent check up because my doctor realised that it's been more than 10 years since my last shot. So just in case of any accidents etc., having a boost was good for me! I can have a booster shot in my doctor's office, in comfort, even though I probably didn't need it. There are little children, and women globally who are dying because they can't afford to get one of those shots! Nightline featured Salma Hayek , who has...
I can't believe that people have nothing better to do than go crazy over what Jessica Simpson looks like now. Gone is that really thin size 0 (I'm guessing) body that she was to wear those Daisy Dukes. The poll that Showbiz Tonight did 82 percent said it wasn't OK for people to criticize Jessica, especially in the manner they did, really bad some people! 18% said yes, they have the right to criticize her! Public figure aside, that kind of attention is definitely very bad for an...
I just finished watching Dr. Oz' makeover of four different people. What a difference just taking a few minutes per day to take are of yourself makes! These individuals had one thing in common, stress. Familial, work, health, financial, it didn't matter from where, it all added up to one thing, stress. Stress is really a big factor to everyone and that is something that almost anyone can relate to! Each of them began to exercise, then make better choices in eating.&nb...
I have always wanted to take CPR but have never gotten around to it, all these years. Ever since giving birth, I was always afraid of not being prepared were something to happen that would require me to give my child/children mouth to mouth, thank heavens, knock on wood...nothing! I am able to take the class because of work and jumped at the opportunity. My son did a class this week via his high school and that is good that they offer that! I had forgotten that my ...
It comes at moments I least expect, gripping, delibitating pain, and I go into a fit of squeals and axxiety I have not known since childbirth! I wonder to myself if this is something really serious? Or is it just a case of me getting old? Or is it the family genetics finally catching up with me? Whatever, I don't know and I won't know until I get checked out by a medical professional. Truthfully, I am a bit scared because I don't want to hear that anything is seriously...
I read this article today on MSN's . The one thing that ran through my mind ad I read it was, are they suggesting that America's problems is because of fat people? So maybe I'm being a bit sensitive. After all, I fall into the category of the 66% overweight people. I admit it and there is no shame in it! I'm actively working on that situation I'm even prouder to say! According to Shirley Skeel, the author of the piece I...
It's been a trying week for exercising! Somehow, Monday and Tuesday were totally out! Wednesday, I got my mojo back, determined to continue what I've started and did the deed! Thursday was fine. Working out 30 mins after work, a combination of weights, jump rope and my Performance machine! Friday, no dice. I got home late, took my son and daughter to get Chinese and to the Game Stop. Today I had planned on getting an hour in but hubby had to go to the dentist and that took up ...
I had my first time at the gym this past week. My oldest picked up her little sister from school, I had time to kill. My body made the motion of getting up, changing into work out clothes; while my mind was screaming "no, no,'re too tired...!" Thank heavens I didn't listen! I had a great 30 mins at the gym and look forward to doing it again. In the meantime I work out as usual at home, whenever I can. I've been making sure though to get up and take 30 mins to work out befo...
If there was ever an easy question to respond to, this one is surely it! For me, being rich of course! Even in my quest to be fit, surely I would rather be rich than fit? Of course! The answer to me is quite easy. Having the money to utilize quite freely without worrying about something else, I can hire a personal trainer, a chef, get new gym equipment, heck, get a gym! Some people, who responded to a recent poll by Women’s Day and AOL Body , as reported by Dan Fle...
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Have you seen that new show with Carson Kressley on Lifetime, "How to Look Good Naked"? If you haven't you really should see it! It's both entertaining and endearing at the same time. In the show he has a woman, or as in one episode, two women (mother and daughter) who each hate their bodies for one reason or the other. These women or regular women, not celebrities or models, normal sized, average looking women who don't happen to look as bad as they seem to think in their own minds.
I'm not having a good start, or at least a good continuation to my work out schedule! I started off by working out for 30 mins on Monday, which was great! Yesterday, I didn't snack, healthy snacks that is, at work, all day. I had breakfast, lunch, and by the time I got around to dinner, I was soooo hungry, I had a bit more than my usual portion! I didn't over do it, but I ate a little too much and I was so listless for lack of energy, I couldn't get enough to workout! Then it was h...
I've had one of those days, where I was in pain, really badly! I'm a fairly healthy person with no ailments to complain about (knocked on wood)! For the past two nights, I have slept badly for whatever reasons, and woke up with a really bad neck pain. The day before, I had a slight pain in my neck, where I couldn't fully turn my head. I knew I had slept bad. I did some gentle stretches and took some ibuprofen. I felt better for the rest of the day! This morning however, I got up at...
Here's one of the moves I make that really can get you going when dancer-cising! Put on your favourite music. I usually like to stretch first, it helps to limber your body, get those joints loose! Put both arms up in the air about your head and stretch, gently stretch at first, then give yourself a good stretch, and really get on your tippy toes as if reaching for that forbidden fruit on a tree limb. Now slowly start to move your shoulders, one at a time, swinging first one arm, t...