I've started dancing again, at home, in my own little make believe studio and I'm having a blast! I didn't realise that dancing was such a release of pent up anxiety, and such a big stress reliever. Much like exercising, one of my big stress reducer too, but dancing is so much more! I put one of my favourite CD on and I just dance and dance the hour away. Now to get a good workout it as to be a really good up tempo collaboration of music. I've been dancing to the music from this pas...
I went for my follow up visit today with my doctor's fill in, who I thought was a P.A. but she's not, she's a full fledged M.D.! She's rather lovely too and easy to talk with and explains everything to me which is wonderful! I just might switch my Primary! Anyway, my blood pressure was not something to freak out about when the nurse took it before I saw the doc, in fact, it's the other way around this time. Last week I was 140/80, where-in my Systolic was higher than the Diastolic, this ...
Today I read this bit of news. There is actually a reason for people who are overweight and those who are obese, it's a virus! The virus adenovirus-36 or Ad-36 as it's commonly known as [so common I didn't know it!] The tests were done in a laboratory on animals who got really fat when exposed to the virus. Nikhil Dhurandhar, an Associate Professor and the doctor who lead the study, Dr. Magdalena Pasarica, also did the study on humans who had had liposuction, by using their stem cells a...
Dental surgery went well for my hubby on Thursday. I've been playing nurse since he has been in a lot of pain and trying to get used to the upper dentures in his mouth - ouch! I'm just glad that part is over and now all there is to do is for his gum to heal and him to get more comfortable with wearing his new teeth! Men are stubborn creatures though. He refused to give in to the medication, Percocet, very strong meds that really knocked him down! He didn't want to go to sleep and wa...
I know, it's not the best thing, self-diagnosis; nor is it the best thing to do, take a health quiz and start worrying, yet here I am doing just that! It all started because lately I've been feeling very anxious. I have a lot of things going on in my personal life. Plus work is just as up and down, busy lately and a lot of changes as I mentioned before. So far so good with still having a job. I've been sticking to working out, and even if I don't get to work out for as long as I like...
It's July 2007, are you half way through your goals yet? Do you remember the promise you made to yourself to eat better, exercise, lose some weight? Perhaps your promise wasn't about health and fitness but about something else? Whatever it was, are you sticking to your plans and focused on your goal? Or as happened to a lot of people, did you just gave up and decided you will try again next year? Hopefully, for your sake you are still focused on your goal. One of my resolution was...
I read an online article, "Watch Your Filthy Mouth" on MSN Health & Fitness today. I thought it was an interesting article and wanted to share because it's something that not everyone thinks about, linking the condition of your mouth, teeth, gums to your health. My mom as always told me that and I've even repeated the same thing to my kids - don’t' we all do that?lol - and it's something of concern to me given my five year old's dental operation a couple of years ago...seems like yesterda...
The weather is getting warmer, nicer for the most part in the places where it has been cold for the last couple of months. Of course, here where I am, although it's warm 90 percent of the time, you can still tell that it's getting into summer because the kids are out of school, which makes the traffic much lighter but also because of that feeling you get inside just because the sun is out and you feel like doing fun stuff! I like to try out new things all of the time. One of my fav thing...
Did you know your lifestyle plays a major role in how healthy you are? Do you eat vegetables? Wear your seatbelt when driving or even as a passenger in a vehicle? Everything you do plays a role in your health! My score was a 195, which is a B. I'm not that bad and obviously, there are things that I have to change and I'm working on them! The questions asked are not really what you would expect, because as I mentioned, they are more to do with lifestyle choices and thus showing how y...
You know what being an a plane is like; closed quarters, breathing the same air, not being able to move very far! You are anxiously awaiting your destination and once there breathe a sigh of relief but only to be more worried and scared when you hear the news that there was someone on the very flight you were on with a deadly form of TB! I can't imagine being on a airplane, going about your business while unknowingly, there's someone who has a very deadly illness right there beside you! ...
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I've been walking as often as I can trying to get back on a routine of regular exercise. I've been doing two 15 minute stints at work on hilly and flat terrain. It helps believe me! Just to take the little breaks and get up off my bum!lol! I usually walk with of my co-workers who are good friends of mine. At home I've been working out on my Performa machine. It really works the hips, thighs and legs and I can see the difference! It's been tough because there are times when I really am...
Because our society is so overweight, not to mention our children who are now following in the adults footsteps by being overweight too, snack vending machines will now offer healthier alternatives to the fat, greasy offerings out there! YoNaturals will be offering healthier choices with their new venture into vending machine land by offering dried fruits, organic mile and vitamin water, instead of candies and soft drinks! I say it’s about time! I'm all for this happening, especia...
The sound of the machine that gives my son his medication the nebulizer It might help him to breathe more easily, it might help to open his lungs after a treatment but it is the sound I hate the most because it reminds me of how unwell he is sometimes. I hate the coughing that comes, that brings on the asthma the weird look in his eyes tells me how sick he's going to be and then I worry it's been happening on and off for the last three weeks today to the doctor again...
I've been doing a bit of research on choosing the right dental plan that will meet my family's needs. I've written before about my own little dramas when it comes to going to the dentist and my baby girl #2 having dental surgery at the tender age of 3. Although I do make sure my children get all of their medical needs taken care of, i.e., vision, medical, dental, it's never as perfect as I would want it to be. Because there never seems to be enough money to take care of everything that...