This just in…..(from MSNBC News on Link ) Burger King has introduced two new breakfast sandwiches that are “huge”. Huge? Huge breakfast food items? Fast food places are still serving bigger food? I thought they were “downsizing” their food choices so consumers can make better and healthier choices? I mean, let’s face it, every newspaper article, television programs, and all media, have been heralding how fat Americans are. There’s just no way that the CEO of Burger King ...
Do you have a phobia? How much do you know about fear? It is said that fear can be irrational, although to me, that depends on the point of view of the person experiencing the phobia they have. Fear has many names and there are many different types of phobias. I saw this quiz about phobias and thought it was interesting. My rank was "Not bad" because I got 5 out of 10 questions correct - the last five that is! You can take the quiz to see what you do know about fear: Link ...
1. Money isn't made out of paper, it's made out of cotton. 2. The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper. 3. The dot over the letter i is called a "tittle". 4. A raisin dropped in a glass of fresh champagne will bounce up and down continuously from the bottom of the glass to the top. 5. 40% of McDonald's profits come from the sales of Happy Meals. 6. 315 entries in Webster's 1996 Dictionary were misspelled. 7. The 'spot' on 7UP comes f...
There’s a new guy in the building I work. I saw him for the second time this week. I said good morning to him, no response. OK, I said to myself, probably not a morning person or maybe he didn’t hear me? But then I did look him in the face and said that so….anyhow. I saw him again just a few minutes ago and I saw him looking, make that, staring at me so I smiled and said hello. He just looked right through me and went through the door! WTF???? Now the only reason I’m bringing thi...
Sex for some people is a private matter, not to be discussed in public at all cost. To be kept behind the bedroom doors without a hint of impropriety. For others sex is an open book. Some are very in touch with their sexuality and love to show it off at all cost. They can’t stop talking about their sex lives. They might even be a tad obsessive on the subject. Food for some people is a public matter. The door is open for others to observe and look what is eaten. To see what’s act...
John Lennon said, “Life happens when you’re making other plans” . I’m learning to let go of the wheel To let God be my driver There are times when I take control and steer myself in other directions Because I think that’s the way I should go, the path I should take Somehow I always end up full circle Right where I started and I wonder “What the…?! “Why?” The simple answer is, life happens when I’m making other plans. It just does. Then I remember to just let go an...
Happy Earth Day folks! We celebrate this wonderful earth and learn new ways to keep her environmentally safe and around for many generations to come. I've always enjoyed the fact that Earth day and my birthday are on the same day! Happy Birthday to me! Today I celebrate my 40th year on this beautiful earth. I’m happy to be around, healthy and kicking! No ailments, no diseases, just living my life and loving my family. I never imagined that my parents would not be around...
I was watching a television show, just one of my recreational activities watching the telly, and there was a movie – I didn’t see the title of it – on FX staring John Travolta he played a character named George . I won’t go into the details of the movie but at some point in the movie after a birthday celebration, he left to go home, he was drunk. While he was outside he saw this bright light in the sky and it suddenly came towards him and struck him, like being struck by lightning. W...
It’s Friday, April 1 – Happy All Fools Day! I have no tricks to play on anyone, unfortunately! I remember the fun I had as a child with April Fools Day! To get back to the reason for me writing this. I’m in a playful mood; blame it on the day – being Friday, the start to the weekend, or just plain ol’ being in a happy-go-lucky mood! So, that said – I wondered what everyone was wearing at this very moment? Yep, that’s it, what are you wearing? It’s just 10:47am here and I’m at w...
My sister sent me this by email. I thought it was fairly entertaining. So, because we're all so tense and upset and there's no reason to smile today...let's lighten up the mood and try this little quiz. When you're done, post your score, just out of curiosity to see what it is and if it fits your personality! My score is 42 - fits me to a T! Hey, no cheating.....! Here ya go...try this. Below is Dr. Phil's test. Dr. Phil scored 55; he did this test on Oprah she got a 38. ...
OK, so my sorry excuse for a joke didn't win any comments...I'm feeling the love...wah.....I guess if I go I won't be missed, sniff! = ) Alright, I'm just fishing for a lovefest... But enough about me! Where in the world is Shovelheat? Where did he go, when did he leave? I went to his blog and there's nothing there! When did this happened and how in the world did no one say something! Joe, I hope you're ok. I had no clue you were gonna go for good? Am I going to h...
Sometimes I feel like a Fraud. Fraud is perhaps not the right word to use as it implies that I’m a liar, or a fake or something negative. It’s just that I present this air of calm and peacefulness most of the time. As if all is well in my world when it’s really not. Most of what I deem as “my problems” is really not as catastrophic as I tend to think they are. Not compared to other people’s problems anyway. Mine are perhaps simpler, but they are mine and they do tend to make me worr...
Have you ever had one of those days, when you feel as if you’re wearing the wrong clothes and no matter what you do you’re not going to feel comfortable in them for the entire day? Well that’s what’s happening to me right now. I’m wearing the wrong clothes. Oh yes, they are mine, however, this is not what I wanted to wear today. I wanted to wear Thursday’s clothes. Do you know what I mean? The clothes you wear to work on the day before the last day of the week. You do know what...
I’m sitting at my office desk right now and it looks pretty cluttered. I have a poster board with pictures of family, and various telephone numbers and a print out reminding me to “Calm Down---Shut-up—And Quit Trippin”! Yeah, sometimes I need to be reminded! LOL! Then I have the various files sitting haphazardly awaiting my touch. I also have three framed pictures, one or two stuffed mascots, some figurines that were a gift from a client who visited with us recently – a coffee mug, I do...
Here's a jingle from me to you. [reposting from an email I received!] ______________________________________________ T'was the night of Thanksgiving, But I just couldn't sleep I tried counting backwards, I tried counting sheep. The leftovers beckoned The dark meat and white, But I fought the temptation With all of my might. Tossing and tu...