Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
foreverserenity's Articles In Blogging » Page 5
June 5, 2008 by foreverserenity

My son likes to drink energy drinks. I never thought it would be a bad thing, he drank the Arizona brand. They make great iced tea, I even looked at the ingredients of the energy drink. So it had corn and fructose syrup for taste, but I didn't think one drink a day would do any wrong.


I came across this article that I linked above, apparently Energy drinkds may put teens at risk, and some of them have! 

June 5, 2008 by foreverserenity
Summer is here and there will be a few jaunts to the local pool, swimming hole or the beach.  I thought this information is good for those who don't know about it, to be aware of!  The boy in the story died after going to the swimming pool with his mom.  He had water in his lungs, he complained of being tired, was not alert, went to sleep and died in his sleep! My alert sign would have been why did he have an accident in the pool, because that is not no...
June 4, 2008 by foreverserenity

At least in Florida, Elementary, Middle and High Schools are all out for the Summer!  Not just that, but my six year old's after school is out too!  What's  a parent to do?  I'm just not ready, it snuck up on me again!

So, I've already visited somewhere my daughter will be spending her days during the summer, her old haunt, the daycare!  She tells me that she is not a baby!  She doesn't want to go. I tell her, she is not a baby and she will be in the big kids section now, and it's Summer Day Camp not daycare! 

June 3, 2008 by foreverserenity
I've just finished dancing to my favorite 'homemade' CD, the So You Think You Can Dance music from last season!  Let me tell you , I need that!    I'm all tense and feeling non-productive and even more stressed from all this 'race' talk!  It drains me, I don't know about you!  Trying to make someone understand your p.o.v, and where you're coming from with your way of thinking is stressful!   Anyway, it is also a relief to not be in pain at the moment bec...
June 1, 2008 by foreverserenity

One of the songs I enjoy listening to lately is "This is your Life" by Switchfoot.   No matter how many times I hear that song, I'm humming and really enjoying it!  I found myself disecting the lyrics recently.  Really listening to what they are saying in the song.

"Yesterday, is a wrinkle on your forehead

Yesterday, is a promise that you've broken

Don't close your eyes, don't close your eyes

and today is all you've got now

and today is all you've ever had

Don't close your eyes

May 21, 2008 by foreverserenity

Let me go ahead and make my "PC" statement now, this article, or what I say in it, my oberservations’ and opinions are in no way pointing to anyone or any individuals or in any way reflecting on any comments made previously by anyone.






My recent article about Gays and whether or not their marriage bothers anyone was an eye opener into the way some people view change, some positive, some not so positive and those views will never change. 

We can't have progress without change.  I don't see it and I'm sure neither does you dear readers, see progress without change. 

I wonder sometimes what it is that makes some people so adamant about ‘change’ and all that it represents?  Some of us will always be afraid of change because it simply means the life as we know it will no longer exist.  You hear constant talk of what our country used to be like, in the beginning.  In the beginning all that was, was great for our country back then, at that time.  So how about now?  Have the many changes that have happened over the years, been so bad for us?

May 19, 2008 by foreverserenity

Two years ago I found an interesting article citing 59 Things a Man Should Never Do Past 30, !


 I've found another list, this time it is 18 things a grown man should never have!  The article was written by Steve Calechman, Men's Health on



May 17, 2008 by foreverserenity
For some people, marriage between two people of the same sex insults their sensibilities. (and that is putting it mildly!)  It is religiously wrong, because they have some document that proves that it is wrong.  It trumps their sense of right and wrong.    All the implications that can be thought of for why this should not be, they will find it!   There are so many boxes that have been created in our lives.  Everything we do and all that we represen...
May 11, 2008 by foreverserenity
Being Spoiled on Mom's Day! I had to wait for it but I got to eat breakfast in bed!  Of course that's not an unusual thing for me since my darling hubby likes to surprise me with breakfast in bed on Sunday Mornings....most of the time! This morning I had to wait because he wasn't up as early as usual on a sunday morn, that might be because I was lying on top of him.....with my clothes on...get your mind out of the gutter! hahaha....I was cajoling him to get up and ...
May 2, 2008 by foreverserenity


In light of the uproar over Miley Cyrus' "scandalous" photograph ,[], so vastly overrated!   I’m all for protecting our children and I am not certainly in favor of them being forced to grow up before their time.  In other words, doing or getting involved in anything that is not for them because they are too young and don’t need to be involved with anything that would be bad for them!

Braeden, aka Sancho Nino made a comment on the blog that I wrote regarding the scandal, it was an interesting and enlightening response which made me go ‘hmmm..”  and gave me more food for thought.


April 19, 2008 by foreverserenity
I recently realised (some weeks ago) that all those icons that look alike on the front page represent articles written by different bloggers! I couldn't understand why that person was so popular and why was he getting so much time and why always front and center?  Then when I waved my mouse over the icons, a different name showed up for each!LOL!  That's JUs default icon I guess?!   Jokes on me.....duh! hahaha 
April 18, 2008 by foreverserenity
Let me tell you it's been hectic, hectic with everything that goes on in and around my personal life. But I'm sure no more so than for you as well!  Some people handle stress and life little or big problems in different ways. Some of us take it head on, wrestle the problems and move on.  Some worry it to death, try to deal with it, maybe get someone to help, then life goes on as usual.  Some get totally introverted. They cut off themselves from the outside wor...
April 4, 2008 by foreverserenity

Have you ever had one of those moments in your life, when everything might not be perfect but they're just fine?  You are grateful for your blessings while keeping others in your thoughts and prayers and hoping that everything will continue to go well..then whammo!  You get hit with a load of bricks and your smashed against a wall wondering how did you get here?


March 21, 2008 by foreverserenity

I don't remember entering a lottery but according to this fantastic email I received this morning, I won some money, in US dollars and wow, $950.000.00....I'm rich!

All I have to do is follow  the directions, send the information they asked for...and there's something else.....I'm not supposed to tell anyone....shhhhhh!

March 10, 2008 by foreverserenity
Yes, I wanted you to know, it works (first time I tried it when looking for a particular article) and it rocks!   You just have to be specific with what you're searching for.  Much like Google, you can use one or two words, phrases and walla!    Thanks for including this in the new set up.  It was one of the features I asked for!   See, it's not all about whining you know!