Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
foreverserenity's Articles » Page 4
January 11, 2009 by foreverserenity
I picked up my son to run an errand for him, he was bursting with news.  He told me that he just read that a mystery sound was heard in space!  I was surprised!  We looked at each other,  "Wow, what does that mean?" I asked him.  Then I told him to repeat what he read.  He told me that scientists have heard some kind of loud noise in space on the other side of somewhere out there.  I'm like, wow!  So we started chatting and guessing at the possibilities a...
January 10, 2009 by foreverserenity
Day two of my keep on moving goal, I got up early yesterday morning and did some Yoga!  It felt good to stretch this old curvy body! (yeah, curvy! ) I got up and did Yoga, worked with my dumbbell's, and jumped rope!  After work I ended up at the gym my husband Michael hangs out at, with Adam and Amanda and we played table tennis for a while!  It was fun and I got even more exercise in! For the day I ate pretty healthy, oatmeal and coffee started my day.  I...
January 10, 2009 by foreverserenity
I'm watching the Discovery Health Body Challenge and one of the ladies who is participating in the program, made a comment that made me say, "Oh stop it!".  She said that one of her dreams is to surf, even though black people don't surf, this black girl wants to surf!  First off, more power to her, No. 1, she's getting herself healthy by doing the body challenge!  Secondly, she wants to do an activity as a goal, not just go buy something!  She does do what I've heard m...
January 8, 2009 by foreverserenity
Green Salad that is! Or as some say, Tossed Salad.   I usually like mine with some type of meat, Chicken basically.  Unfortunately I forgot the meats at home today!  I gave the greens a liberal coating of fat free dressing, and made like a sheep in the meadow! (no way am I going to say Cow!)  Not too bad, rather enjoyable! I've begun the steps I usually take towards continuing my weight loss plan.  I bought all the healthy stuff. Fruits such as grapes, apples,...
January 8, 2009 by foreverserenity
There are so many people who don't agree with this.  Why should the Government continue to give bailouts?  We know the pros and cons of all this.  Those reasons I won't go into because they've all been discussed already.  The people did receive help last year, with money that was supposed to be used to spread into our local areas so that it would boost our economy.  That didn't work.  Most people did the best thing, took care of bills.  Some did spend. So...
January 8, 2009 by foreverserenity
This must be a joke?!  I'm sitting watching Good Morning America and the news came in that Larry Flint and that owner of the Girls Gone Wild videos are asking Congress for a $5 Million bailout? They say that Americans are so worried they have stopped enjoying themselves!  Wow!  Now I've heard it all!  
January 6, 2009 by foreverserenity
I'm inspired, and when I get inspired, I follow that wave that pulls everyone in with me!  I'm full of shit get over it!  It is good to see some of you guys again, Mr. Moskowitz, (Buddah) wrote a lovely poem today.  I didn't copy the link, go find it!  Chris (Udigit) wrote an actual article!  Yeah for Chris! Kelly, is writing again, Roy is back in the trenches.....I've even seen Boudica and Maso (Maso did his music article) from time to time!&nb...
January 6, 2009 by foreverserenity
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January 6, 2009 by foreverserenity
You would think that after my year, last year of success in losing some of the fat, and learning to eat right and all those good things, that I would never make a mistake such as the one I did yesterday! As you who read my blogs know, I didn't give up my weight loss plan, but I did give it a rest during the holidays (what else is new right?!) but being the realist I am, that was the thing to do!   In comes the first day at work.  Packing lunch was so much fun because I...
January 6, 2009 by foreverserenity
That's all folks!  Another holiday came and went.....just like that!  Did you have that feeling of " that it?" ...." that the big day has come...and gone....what now?" Now it is back to the work day and school days grind!  My kids were rather reluctant to return to school, they just don't see the point of it after all the familial activities!   Mind you, I think it is more like them loving the non-restrictive parental control of their time! At work...
January 3, 2009 by foreverserenity
One of our adventures last year was to visit our local Science Museum.  It was larger than I thought, being used to the large museums in New York.  There were some pretty interesting exhibits going on, one of them being the Titanic exhibit, but I didn't get in to see that one, although my son did. We went in to see a Norman Rockwell, exhibit (Kelly you would love this!) and others that were featuring things from ages ago!  It was rather interesting to see!  We even sat in an...
January 3, 2009 by foreverserenity
As we come upon a new year, the Year 2009 I wondered at the years to come. My thoughts drifted to the Year 3000. Will we live to see it. I would be 135 years old, would I live that long? Would any of us? What would the world be like then? My hubby suggested that there might just be flying cars and my son agreed! Then again, I'm sure I read somewhere last year that there is an actual flying car in development!   We all laughed & tried to visualize the possibilities. Sure there ...
January 3, 2009 by foreverserenity
Happy New Year my friends!  I hope this blog finds you and yours in health, good spirits and looking towards a new tomorrow!  Even when it doesn't seem to be, or will ever be, take my word for it, it will be! My brother and nephew are back home safely, since yesterday.  My home is empty again, of visitors that is. My oldest was over for two nights, which was wonderful having her home sleeping again.  I've had quite a busy season and am looking forward to blogging ...
December 22, 2008 by foreverserenity
I'm two days early, or is that three?!  Who's kids are!lol! But no, I've not been writing much lately. It's been really busy and I wanted to let you know that I'm still around, just busy and distracted with the season and other stuff.  Despite the economical stresses, and al lthat is going on in the world today, I'm happy to see that there are still some people who are happy to be around today!  I'm also glad that so many people will celebrate the holidays eve...
November 24, 2008 by foreverserenity
So far, I've bought my turkey, this year it is a 22 pounder which I got for a $1 a pound - it must be since it cost $22!  I've also bought my ham. I wasn't going to do ham until Christmas, but when a pregnant daughter asks for ham, you give her ham! I kind of have an idea of what I'm cooking but not quite, if you know what I mean?  I do know I will have the basic, Turkey, Ham, Pototo Salad, Stuffing, Pies, and a vegetable dish, but nothing quite define as to the style or type of ...